Draft JEPs: Pattern Matching for switch and Record Patterns

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Mon Oct 3 22:16:21 UTC 2022

I was skeptical at first too, but the weight of the points Gavin raises 
makes me feel that this aspect was (a) a little rushed and (b) not 
critical, so backing it out now gives us a chance to think it through 
further, and bring it back later in this or another form.

On 10/3/2022 12:25 PM, Remi Forax wrote:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     *From: *"Gavin Bierman" <gavin.bierman at oracle.com>
>     *To: *"Tagir Valeev" <amaembo at gmail.com>
>     *Cc: *"amber-dev" <amber-dev at openjdk.org>, "amber-spec-experts"
>     <amber-spec-experts at openjdk.org>
>     *Sent: *Monday, October 3, 2022 5:29:40 PM
>     *Subject: *Re: Draft JEPs: Pattern Matching for switch and Record
>     Patterns
>     Hi Tagir, 
> The main objection to remove the name of the record pattern is that it 
> does not follow the principle of the data oriented programming.
> The idea is that the data is more important than the code, or said 
> differently, if the data change by example a component is added to a 
> record, the compiler should flag all the code that uses that record 
> and ask the user to modify the code.
> So a case with a record pattern is better than just a type pattern, 
> because unlike a type pattern, a record pattern validates the shape of 
> a record
>   case Point p   // does not validate the shape of Point
>   case Point(int x, int y) p  // validates that a Point has two 
> components x and y.
> When using virtual polymorphism, an operation is defined as an 
> abstract method, so if the record shape changes, people will scan the 
> rest of the record and change the implementation of the methods 
> according to the new components. If the operation uses pattern 
> matching, the record and the operation are not declared at the same 
> place, so the compiler has to help users to find all the locations in 
> the code that should be updated.
>     So it was a number of issues actually. First, there is a nasty
>     ambiguity problem. Consider:
>     record R(){}
>     switch(e) {
>         case R() when when (true) -> ...
>         ...
>     }
>     The label could be parsed as either:
>         case (R() when) when (true) ->
>     or
>         case (R()) when (when(true)) ->
>     (where `when` is a static boolean method).
> It's a usual issue with local keywords, we had the same kind of issue 
> with the local keywords inside modules (transitive as a keyword or has 
> a package name).
> A solution on top of my head is to make "when" a keyword for the whole 
> case (everything in between "case" and "->"), so having to consecutive 
> "when" is not syntactically valid.
> It's not the only option, and i don't think it's a showstopper.
>     There is another issue which is this variable declaration is the
>     only one in the language that can’t be annotated or marked as
>     `final` which feels like a design smell. None of the obvious
>     solutions to this looked good.
> For me, a group pattern is not really different than a type pattern 
> for this concern,
> the current syntax is with a type pattern is
>   case final Point p ->
> so the syntax for a record pattern is
>   case final Point(int x,int y) p ->
> It awkward and super verbose but it's a straight consequence of not 
> having the binding always final.
>     In most other languages with pattern matching they keep these two
>     things - a destructing pattern and a naming pattern - separate. In
>     both Haskell and Scala, they write `x at p` to “name” a pattern p as
>     x. So that seems like a possibility. But for now, we noted that in
>     most cases you can rewrite pretty simply, e.g.
>     case Point(var x, var y) when p.isVisible() ->
>     can be rewritten:
>         case Point p
>             when p.isVisible() && p instanceof Point(var x, var y): …
>     or if it was in an instanceof:
>         if (x instanceof Point p && p.isVisible() && p instanceof
>     Point(var x, var y)) { … }
>     Neither of these versions read too badly.
> I disagree, a case ... does not exist in the vacuum but works and is 
> read with the other cases.
> Here, following "case Point p when ... ", you will have a proper 
> record pattern of Point to be exhaustive and the lack of common prefix 
> between the two patterns makes the code hard to read.
>   Point p = ...
>   switch(p) {
>    case Point p
>      when p.isVisible() && p instanceof Point (var x, var y) -> ...
>    case Point(int x, int y) -> ...
>   }
> compared to
>   Point p = ...
>   switch(p) {
>    case Point(int x, int y) p when p.isVisible() -> ...
>    case Point(int x, int y) p -> ...
>   }
> Here, it's clear that the first line is a peculiar case of the second 
> line.
>     Thoughts?
>     Gavin
> Rémi
>         On 3 Oct 2022, at 14:40, Tagir Valeev <amaembo at gmail.com> wrote:
>         Hello!
>             Remove support for named record patterns.
>         This surprises me. Probably there was a discussion about the
>         rationale
>         behind this change? Could you please point me? Thanks.
>         With best regards,
>         Tagir Valeev
>         On Mon, Oct 3, 2022 at 2:48 PM Gavin Bierman
>         <gavin.bierman at oracle.com> wrote:
>             Dear all,
>             The draft JEPs for the next preview of the Pattern
>             Matching for switch and Record Patterns features are now
>             available at:
>             Pattern matching for switch:
>             https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8294285
>             Record Patterns: https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8294078
>             Comments welcomed!
>             Gavin
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