Unnamed variables and match-all patterns

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Thu Sep 8 12:22:22 UTC 2022

> I'm not sure it's so critical. To me, the main source of frustration 
> is the necessity to think up a name that I won't use anyway. The 
> second source is the fact that the code becomes noticeably longer when 
> it includes unused names. Both problems are not so important for 
> method parameters:
> - If you override or implement method, any IDE just copies names from 
> the super-method for you, so you don't need to think.
> - Method declaration is already quite verbose. It contains @Override 
> annotation, modifiers, types of all parameters and return type 
> explicitly spelled, all of them could be quite long. Probably other 
> annotations, throws and Javadoc. Saving few chars there would not help 
> much. On the other hand, declaration doesn't contain logic, so people 
> rarely stare at it trying to understand what's going on.

For the people who complain about this, I don't think it's about saving 
a few characters in the declaration, as much as satisyfing static 
analysis that complains about unused parameters.  But I suspect that 
many of these have already become lambdas (this happened most commonly 
with anonymous classes previously).  So I'm willing to do the experiment 
of A first and see if we need to take the next step.

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