Primitives in instanceof and patterns

forax at forax at
Sat Sep 10 08:58:15 UTC 2022

> From: "John Rose" <john.r.rose at>
> To: "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at>
> Cc: "Remi Forax" <forax at>, "amber-spec-experts"
> <amber-spec-experts at>
> Sent: Friday, September 9, 2022 11:32:04 PM
> Subject: Re: Primitives in instanceof and patterns

> On 9 Sep 2022, at 11:07, Brian Goetz wrote:

>> … Regardless, a better way to think about `instanceof` is that it is the
>> precondition for "would a cast to this type be safe and useful." In the world
>> where we restrict to reference types, the two notions coincide.
> And, in the future world where every value (except possibly null ) is an
> instance , the two notions will coincide again, without the restriction to
> reference types. We are taking reasonable incremental steps toward that world
> here, IMO.

>> But the safe-cast-precondition is clearly more general (this is like the
>> difference between defining the function 2^n on Z, vs on R or C; of course they
>> have to agree at the integers, but the continuous exponential function is far
>> more useful than the discrete one.) Moreover, the general mental model is just
>> as simple: how do you know a cast is safe? Ask instanceof. What does safe mean?
>> No error or material loss of precision.
> And (to pile on a bit here), the casts you are speaking of here, Brian, are the
> casts we have in Java , not some idealized or restricted or cleaned up cast. So
> we have to deal with the oddities of primitive value conversion.

> The payoff from dealing with this is that the meaning of patterns is derived
> systematically from the meaning of casts (and other conversions). That is
> hugely desirable, because it means a very complex new feature is firmly
> anchored to existing features. Getting this kind of thing right preserves and
> extends Java’s role as a world-class programming language.

>> A more reasonable way to state this objection would be: "most users believe that
>> `instanceof` is purely about subtyping, and it will take some work to bring
>> them around to a more general interpretation, how are we going to do that?"
> This is subjective and esthetic, but I think two thoughts help here (with
> teaching and rationale): First, everything (except null ) is an instance, or
> will eventually be. Second, subtyping in Java includes the murky rules for
> primitive typing.

> Those specific rules more or less systematically determine how casts work. They
> should also systematically determine (in the same way) how patterns work. After
> all, casts and patterns are (and very much should be!) mirror image
> counterparts of each other, or dance partners holding hands.

> (I visualize such things as boxes on the whiteboard with reversible arrows
> between them. You could say “category” if you like. Brian likes to say “dual”,
> and I took linear algebra too, but I doubt most folks took the trouble in that
> class to be curious about exactly what a “dual space” really is all about.)

> Rather than extending the language we wish we had, we are extending the one we
> do have, and that means aligning even the murky parts of casts with pattern
> behavior.

> In the end, I don’t think it’s very murky at all in practice, except of course
> for the outraged theoretical purist (who lives in each of us). There is
> certainly no new murk . IMO what Brian is showing works out surprisingly well,
> so kudos to him for following his nose to a design with liveable details. This
> success also IMO demonstrates the foresight of the original authors and current
> maintainers of the spec, even in the “murky” parts of primitive value
> conversions.

> — John

At some point in the future, we may want what an instanceof means, i think we can all agree with that. 

I would prefer to be on the safe side when we will ask ourselves how exactly to retrofit primitive types to value classes. 

I'm not against changing what a type pattern is but it should be done in concert with changing the other rules (overriding rules especially) and the retrofitting of primitive types to value classes. 

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