Third draft spec for String Templates (JEP 430) now available

Dan Smith daniel.smith at
Sat Feb 11 00:38:51 UTC 2023

Enthusiastically endorse two big design choices reflected here:

- The use of Fragments to represent the string content that gets interleaved with embedded expressions

- The requirement that a StringTemplate or TextBlockTemplate only appear in a program after a '.' character

Nice work, feels quite manageable and doesn't blow up the grammar!

On Feb 9, 2023, at 7:28 AM, Gavin Bierman <gavin.bierman at<mailto:gavin.bierman at>> wrote:

Dear experts:

A new, updated spec covering JEP 430 (String Templates) is now available at:

This is a substantial rewrite: it now covers more fully how templates are tokenized, how to deal with ambiguities, and how text block templates are dealt with.

Comments welcomed!

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