Use of condy + MH.invokevirtual instead of indy Was Deconstruction patterns

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Tue Mar 7 14:33:00 UTC 2023

> First, there is a small typo,
>    invokevirtual MethodHandle::invoke(II)V
> should be
>    invokevirtual MethodHandle::invoke(II)Ljava/lang/Object;

Good catch.

> I believe that indy is better than ldc condy + MH.invokevirtual because the main difference between these two approaches is that in the case of indy the bootstrap method receive the Lookup and I believe you need the Lookup at runtime (exactly the ClassLoader) to decode the field "patternDescr" of the attribute Matcher (to transform it to a MethodType).

Condy receives the Lookup as well (there is also an effort underway, 
slowly, to make the metadata (Lookup/name/type) optional for condy, so 
ordinary static methods can be used as bootstraps.)  So this is not a 

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