Deconstruction patterns
forax at
forax at
Sat Mar 11 19:52:59 UTC 2023
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at>
> To: "Remi Forax" <forax at>
> Cc: "amber-spec-experts" <amber-spec-experts at>
> Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2023 4:52:50 PM
> Subject: Re: Deconstruction patterns
> I agree that translating dtors as static methods is probably better than
> final instance methods here.
> Using fake method arguments instead of mangled names is a very clever
> trick here. (It won't get you all the way there, though; you'll need
> some more encoding foo to keep
> matcher foo(__in int x)(__out int y)
> and
> matcher foo()(__out int x, __out int y)
> from having clashing classfile descriptors. I'm sure you can accomplish
> this with more mangling, but ... )
Using an empty value type as separator type may solve that issue.
matcher foo(__in int x, Separator _, __out int y)
> More importantly, I don't particularly like how this pushes fake work
> onto the client:
> var carrier = Point.Point(p, 0, 0); // use zeroes to ask for the right
> overloads
> to pass fake arguments for the purposes of overload selection. (You
> could hide that behind a condy that inserts the default arguments, but
> that doesn't make me like it much better.)
BTW, from experience, adding several different condy or indy into one method delays, a lot, the time to steady state, because each condy/indy is not optimized at the same time, to the point where all parts are ""never"" fully inlined together. It's better to have either only one condy/indy with a bunch of method handles or to generate the corresponding bytecode as one blob (like with lambdas).
> Given this choice, I still prefer name mangling.
We only need mangling in case of overriding. Otherwise using a stable index like the index of the matcher descriptors once sorted, is enough to make the compilation of a class containing several deconstructors reproducible.
You do not want deconstructors to be polymorphic, because you can always have the deconstructor calling a polymorphic method if necessary (if i understood our discussion about Map.Entry correctly). So i'm not sure that named matchers should be polymorphic too. A syntax, like Optional.of(var value) or Optional.empty() only mentions the base class after all. And like with a deconstructor, a named matcher can call a polymorphic method if necessary.
If nothing is polymoprphic, mangling is not necessary anymore.
> (If you dislike name mangling so much, perhaps a better cure would be to invest in better display of call stacks in exception traces?)
It's a long awaited feature, i would love to have it but changing all the stacktrace generation codes is not a small task because those codes are perf sensitive.
> On 3/11/2023 8:58 AM, Remi Forax wrote:
>> I've coded a possible implementation here
>> - instead of mangling the name, i've followed literally what Dan H said, the VM
>> is good to find a method from a method name and a *descriptor*, so like when
>> you want to have two overloads of a constructor with the same parameter types,
>> you add a fake parameter of type boolean or Void, i've added all the parameters
>> so the algorithm to find the deconstructors in case of overloads is strictly
>> the same as with methods. At call sites, the compiler fill the arguments with
>> zeroes.
>> - instead of using final instance methods, I use static methods so it also works
>> in an interface (a default method in an interface can not be final).
>> By example the class Point,
>> class Point {
>> final double x, y;
>> public Point(double x, double y) {
>> this.x = x;
>> this.y = y;
>> }
>> public matcher Point(double x, double y) {
>> x = this.x;
>> y = this.y;
>> }
>> public matcher Point(int x, int y) {
>> x = (int) this.x;
>> y = (int) this.y;
>> }
>> }
>> is desugared to
>> class Point {
>> final double x, y;
>> public Point(double x, double y) {
>> this.x = x;
>> this.y = y;
>> }
>> // use a static final to emulate a condy
>> private static final MethodHandle FACTORY0 =
>> RT.carrierFactory(MethodHandles.lookup(), "", MethodHandle.class,
>> methodType(void.class, int.class, int.class));
>> public static /*synthetic*/ Object Point(Point that, double _, double _) {
>> double x = that.x;
>> double y = that.y;
>> return FACTORY0.invokeExact(x, y);
>> }
>> // use a static final to emulate a condy
>> private static final MethodHandle FACTORY1 =
>> RT.carrierFactory(MethodHandles.lookup(), "", MethodHandle.class,
>> methodType(void.class, int.class, int.class));
>> public static /*synthetic*/ Object Point(Point that, int _, int _) {
>> int x = (int) that.x;
>> int y = (int) that.y;
>> return FACTORY1.invokeExact(x, y);
>> }
>> }
>> and at use site
>> var point = new Point(2, 3);
>> switch (point) {
>> case Point(int x, int y) -> {
>> ...
>> }
>> }
>> is desugared to
>> // use a static finals to emulate condies
>> private static final MethodHandle POINT_ACCESSOR_0 =
>> RT.carrierAccessor(MethodHandles.lookup(), "", MethodHandle.class,
>> methodType(void.class, int.class, int.class), 0);
>> private static final MethodHandle POINT_ACCESSOR_1 =
>> RT.carrierAccessor(MethodHandles.lookup(), "", MethodHandle.class,
>> methodType(void.class, int.class, int.class), 1);
>> ...
>> var point = new Point(2, 3);
>> switch (point) {
>> case Point p -> {
>> var carrier = Point.Point(p, 0, 0); // use zeroes to ask for the right
>> overloads
>> var x = (int) POINT_ACCESSOR_0.invokeExact(carrier);
>> var y = (int) POINT_ACCESSOR_1.invokeExact(carrier);
>> ...
>> }
>> }
>> The prototype works both with jdk 20 and latest Valhalla early preview. For the
>> later, the generated carrier classes are value classes.
>> As an implementation detail, the prototype erase all reference types to Object
>> to avoid to generate too many carrier classes at runtime.
>> Perhaps a better to solution would be to also re-organize the fields to have all
>> objects first and do a permuteArguments when creating the factory method
>> handle.
>> I did not convert the numeric primitive type (boolean, short, char) to int
>> because if the carrier is a value type, we may want it as compact as possible.
>> regards,
>> Rémi
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at>
>>> To: "Guy Steele" <guy.steele at>
>>> Cc: "amber-spec-experts" <amber-spec-experts at>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 8, 2023 4:07:52 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Deconstruction patterns
>>> Updated version, addressing Guy's concerns and fixing/clarifying a few
>>> other things that came up in earlier discussions.
>>> # Deconstruction patterns -- translation, use, and reflection
>>> As we are wrapping up record patterns, it's time to look ahead to the
>>> next major
>>> part of the pattern matching story -- extending the capabilities of record
>>> patterns to all classes that want to support destructuring. Record
>>> patterns are
>>> simply a special case of _deconstruction patterns_ or _deconstructors_,
>>> where we
>>> derive the deconstructor API, implementation, and use from the state
>>> description
>>> of the record. For an arbitrary class, a deconstruction patterns will
>>> require
>>> an explicit member declaration, with a header identifying the names and
>>> types of
>>> the bindings and a body that extracts the bindings from the representation.
>>> ## Deconstructors
>>> Just as constructors are special cases of methods, deconstruction
>>> patterns are
>>> special cases of a more general notion of declared pattern, which also
>>> includes
>>> static matchers (the dual of static methods) and instance matchers (the
>>> dual of
>>> instance methods.) Specifically, unlike the more general notion of
>>> matcher, a
>>> deconstructor must be _total_; it must always match. This document will
>>> focus
>>> exclusively on deconstructors, and we'll come back to static and instance
>>> matchers in due time. (But note that some of the design choices in the
>>> simple
>>> case of deconstructors may be constrained by the more general case.)
>>> There are a number of choices for how we might syntactically represent a
>>> deconstructor (or more generally, a declared pattern.) For purposes of
>>> illustration, this document picks one possible syntactic expression of
>>> deconstructors, but it is premature to devolve into a syntax discussion
>>> at this
>>> time.
>>> ```
>>> class Point {
>>> final double x, y;
>>> public Point(double x, double y) {
>>> this.x = x;
>>> this.y = y;
>>> }
>>> public matcher Point(double x, double y) {
>>> x = this.x;
>>> y = this.y;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> ```
>>> This example illustrates two aspects of the duality between constructors and
>>> their corresponding deconstructors. Their APIs are duals: a constructor
>>> takes N
>>> parameters containing the desired description of the object state and
>>> produces a
>>> constructed object; a deconstructor starts from the constructed object
>>> and has N
>>> bindings (outputs) that receive the desired state components. Similarly,
>>> their
>>> implementations are duals: the body of the constructor initializes the
>>> object
>>> representation from the description, and the body of the deconstructor
>>> extracts
>>> the description from the representation. A deconstructor is best
>>> understood as
>>> a _co-constructor_.
>>> The `Point` example above is special in two ways. First, the internal
>>> representation of a `Point`, and the API of the constructor and
>>> deconstructor,
>>> are the same: `(double x, double y)`. We can call the API implied by the
>>> constructor and deconstructor the _external representation_, and for
>>> `Point`,
>>> both the internal and external representations are the same. (This is one of
>>> the requirements for being a candidate to be a record.) And second, the
>>> constructor is _total_; it does not reject any combinations of arguments.
>>> Here's another version of `Point` which does not have these special
>>> aspects; it
>>> uses the same internal representation as before, but chooses a pair of
>>> strings
>>> as the external representation:
>>> ```
>>> class Point2 {
>>> final double x, y;
>>> public Point2(String x, String y) {
>>> this.x = Double.parseDouble(x);
>>> this.y = Double.parseDouble(y);
>>> }
>>> public matcher Point2(String x, String y) {
>>> x = Double.toString(this.x);
>>> y = Double.toSTring(this.y);
>>> }
>>> }
>>> ```
>>> The method `Double::parseDouble` will throw `NumberFormatException` if its
>>> argument does not describe a suitable value, so unlike the `Point`
>>> constructor,
>>> the `Point2` constructor is partial: it will reject `new Double("foo",
>>> "bar")`.
>>> And the internal representation is no longer the same as the external
>>> representation. Less obviously, there are valid string values that we can
>>> provide to the constructor, but which cannot be represented exactly as
>>> `double`,
>>> and which will be approximated; the string value
>>> `"3.22222222222222222222222222222222222222"` will be approximated with the
>>> double value `3.2222222222222223`.
>>> This example highlights more clearly how the deconstructor and
>>> constructor form
>>> an _embedding-projection pair_ between the external and internal
>>> representations. While some external representations might be invalid,
>>> and some
>>> might result in approximation, deconstruct-then-construct is always an
>>> identity
>>> transformation. (Indeed, the specification of `java.lang.Record`
>>> requires that
>>> if we deconstruct a record with its accessors, and pass the resulting values
>>> back to the constructor, we should get a new record that is `equals` to the
>>> original.)
>>> The fact that deconstructor and constructor (and eventually, static
>>> matcher and
>>> factory) form an embedding-projection pair is why we are able to derive
>>> higher-level language features, such as [safer
>>> serialization](
>>> and [functional transformation of immutable
>>> objects](;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!M4HQ_Wx5MQZEQwUavg6-Kasr5GKMBzQiac4CoRAmbenb1xcNnDCGwICoGzsX058e1uIwrncE7-Q5ZsjLZu9k$
>>> ),
>>> from a matched set of constructor and deconstructor.
>>> Of course, users are free to implement constructors without
>>> deconstructors, or
>>> constructors and deconstructors whose external representations don't
>>> match up,
>>> or even matching constructors and deconstructors that are not
>>> behaviorally dual.
>>> But providing a matched set (or several) of constructors and deconstructors
>>> enables reliably reversible aggregation, and allows us to mechanically
>>> derive
>>> useful higher-level features such as withers.
>>> #### Overloading
>>> Just as constructors can be overloaded, deconstructors can be overloaded
>>> for the
>>> same reason: multiple constructors can expose multiple external
>>> representations
>>> for aggregation, and corresponding deconstructors can recover those multiple
>>> external representations. Any matching pair of
>>> deconstructor-constructor (and
>>> eventually, deconstructor-factory) is a candidate for use in higher-level
>>> features based on the embedding-projection nature of the
>>> deconstructor-constructor pair.
>>> Just as deconstruction is dual to construction, overloading of
>>> deconstructors is
>>> dual to that of constructors: rather than restricting which sets of
>>> parameters
>>> can be overloaded against each other, we do so with the bindings
>>> instead. For
>>> constructors we require that their signatures not be
>>> override-equivalent; for
>>> deconstructors, we require the same of their bindings.
>>> For a deconstructor (and declared patterns in general), we derive a _binding
>>> signature_ (and an erased _binding descriptor_) which treats the binding
>>> list as
>>> if it were a parameter list. The overload rule outlined above requires that
>>> binding signatures for two deconstructors of the same arity not be
>>> override-equivalent. (We will find it useful later to derive a
>>> `MethodType` for
>>> the binding descriptor; this is a `MethodType` whose parameter types are the
>>> erased types of the bindings.)
>>> #### Digression: embedding-projection pairs
>>> Given two sets _A_ and _B_, a pair of functions `e : A -> B` and `p : B
>>> -> A`,
>>> forms an _embedding-projection pair_ if embed-then-project is an identity
>>> function, and project-then-embed _approximates_ the input according to a
>>> domain-specific approximation metric. In our example which used strings
>>> as an external representation, projection rejected some inputs (`"foo"`) and
>>> approximated others.
>>> When applied to deconstructor-constructor pairs, this says that
>>> deconstructing
>>> an object and then reconstructing it with the resulting bindings should
>>> result
>>> in an equivalent object, and constructing an object from an external
>>> representation and then deconstructing it back into that external
>>> representation
>>> should result in an approximation of the original external representation,
>>> assuming nothing bad happens during construction such as rejecting a bad
>>> input.
>>> Embedding-projection pairs have a number of desirable properties, such
>>> as the
>>> composition of two e-p pairs is an e-p pair; this property is at the
>>> heart of
>>> using deconstructor-constructor pairs for improved serialization and
>>> functional
>>> transformation.
>>> ## Invoking deconstructors
>>> We've already seen how to "invoke" deconstructors: through pattern matching.
>>> What we've been calling "record patterns" are merely deconstruction patterns
>>> derived mechanically from the state description of a record, just as we
>>> do with
>>> constructors and accessors; there is little difference between record
>>> patterns
>>> and deconstruction patterns other than the ability to declare them
>>> explicitly.
>>> (There is an accidental difference in the translation, in that we currently
>>> implement record patterns by appealing to individual accessors rather than a
>>> single deconstructor, but this may eventually converge as well.)
>>> The use-site syntax of deconstruction bears a deliberate similarity to
>>> that of
>>> construction; `new Point(x, y)` is deconstructed by `case Point(var x,
>>> var y)`.
>>> #### Overload selection
>>> In the presence of overloaded deconstructors, we need to figure out which
>>> deconstructor a deconstruction pattern `C(P*)` is referring to. The
>>> details are
>>> similar to overload selection for methods, except that we operate on the
>>> bindings rather than the parameters. We first search for _applicable
>>> matchers_,
>>> using increasingly loose criteria (first excluding boxing, unboxing, and
>>> varargs; then including boxing and unboxing but not varargs; and
>>> finally, all
>>> candidates) and then selecting the most applicable.
>>> It is tempting to try and bypass the three-phase selection process and use a
>>> simpler notion of applicability (perhaps noting that we got this process for
>>> compatibility with existing overload selection decisions when autoboxing and
>>> varargs were added, and that there are few deconstructor invocations to be
>>> compatible with yet.) But because existing overloaded constructors use this
>>> mechanism, and there is significant value in pairing constructors and
>>> deconstructors, attempting to invent a simpler-but-different overload
>>> selection
>>> mechanism for deconstructors would inevitably undermine the duality between
>>> matching deconstructor-constructor pairs. So compatibility (this time, with
>>> existing overloaded constructors) once again forces our hand.
>>> The specification for overload selection is complicated significantly by
>>> poly
>>> expressions (e.g., lambdas); fortunately, there are no "poly patterns",
>>> and so,
>>> while the structure of JLS 15.12.2 is retained for overload selection of
>>> deconstruction patterns, much of the detail is left behind.
>>> ## Translation
>>> We translate patterns into synthetic methods with a `Matcher` attribute;
>>> this
>>> method implements the matcher behavior. The translation scheme derives
>>> from a
>>> number of requirements, only some of which are in play for deconstructors.
>>> The matcher method for a deconstructor is a final instance method that
>>> takes no
>>> parameters and returns `Object`, perhaps with a special name (just as
>>> constructors are called `<init>`.)
>>> #### Carriers
>>> Because the matcher methods implements the matcher behavior, but a
>>> matcher may
>>> "return" multiple bindings (or failure), we must encode the bindings in some
>>> way. For this, we use a _carrier object_. The choice of carrier is
>>> largely a
>>> footprint/specificity tradeoff. One could imagine a carrier class per
>>> matcher,
>>> or a carrier class per matcher descriptor, or using `Object[]` as a
>>> carrier for
>>> everything, or caching some number of common shapes (e.g, three ints and two
>>> refs). This sort of tuning should be separate from the protocol encoded
>>> in the
>>> bytecode of the pattern method and its clients.
>>> We use a small _carrier runtime_ to decouple pattern translation from
>>> carrier
>>> selection. (This same carrier runtime is used by string templates as well.)
>>> This allows tradeoffs in runtime characteristics (e.g., carrier per
>>> matcher vs
>>> sharing carriers across matchers, dropping carrier identity with value types
>>> later, etc) without affecting the translation. The carrier API consists
>>> of condy
>>> bootstraps like:
>>> ```
>>> static MethodHandle carrierFactory(METADATA,
>>> MethodType matcherDescriptor) { ... }
>>> static MethodHandle carrierAccessor(METADATA,
>>> MethodType matcherDescriptor,
>>> int bindingNo) { ... }
>>> ```
>>> where `METADATA` are the standard condy metadata arguments (lookup,
>>> name, type.)
>>> The `matcherDescriptor` is a `MethodType` describing the binding types. The
>>> `carrierFactory` method returns a method handle which takes the bindings and
>>> produces a carrier object; the `carrierAccessor` method returns method
>>> handles
>>> that take the carrier object and return the corresponding binding. To
>>> indicate
>>> success, the matcher method invokes the carrier factory method handle and
>>> returns the result; to indicate failure (deconstructors cannot fail, but
>>> other
>>> matchers can) the matcher method returns null.
>>> We would translate the XY deconstructor from `Point` as follows
>>> (pseudo-bytecode):
>>> ```
>>> #100: MethodType[(II)V]
>>> #101: Condy[bsm=Carriers::carrierFactory, args=[#100]]
>>> final synthetic Object Point$MANGLE() {
>>> aload_0
>>> getfield Point::x
>>> aload_0
>>> getfield Point::y
>>> LDC #101
>>> invokevirtual MethodHandle::invoke(II)Object
>>> areturn
>>> }
>>> ```
>>> Constant `#100` contains a `MethodType` holding the binding descriptor;
>>> constant
>>> `#101` holds a method handle whose parameters are the parameter types of the
>>> binding descriptor and returns `Object`.
>>> At the use site, matching a deconstruction pattern is performed by
>>> invoking the
>>> matcher method on the appropriate target object, and then extracting the
>>> components with the carrier accessor method handles if the match is
>>> successful.
>>> (Deconstructors are total, so are always successful, but for other patterns,
>>> null is returned from the matcher method on failure to match.)
>>> #### Method names
>>> The name of the matcher method is mangled to support overloading. The JVM
>>> permits overloading on parameter types, but not return types (and overloaded
>>> matchers are effectively overloaded on return types.) We take the
>>> approach of
>>> encoding the erasure of the matcher descriptor in the name of the
>>> pattern. This
>>> has several desirable properties: it is stable (the name is derived
>>> solely from
>>> stable aspects of the declaration), for matchers with override-equivalent
>>> signatures (deconstructors can't be overridden, but other patterns can be),
>>> these map to true overrides in the translation, and valid overloads of
>>> matchers
>>> will always have distinct names.
>>> We use the ["Symbolic Freedom"]() encoding of the erasure of the matcher
>>> descriptor as the mangled disambiguator, which is exactly as stable as
>>> any other
>>> method descriptor derived from source declarations.
>>> #### Attributes
>>> Because patterns are methods, we can take advantage of all the
>>> affordances of
>>> methods. We can use access bits to control accessibility; we can use the
>>> attributes that carry annotations, method parameter metadata, and generics
>>> signatures to carry information about the pattern declaration (and its
>>> (input)
>>> parameters, when we get to those kinds of matchers). What's missing is
>>> the fact
>>> that this is a pattern implementation and not an ordinary method, and a
>>> place to
>>> put metadata for bindings. To address the first, we can add the following
>>> attribute on matcher methods:
>>> Matcher {
>>> u2 name; // "Matcher"
>>> u4 length;
>>> u2 patternFlags;
>>> u2 patternName; // UTF8
>>> u2 patternDescr; // MethodType
>>> u2 attributes_count;
>>> attribute_info attributes[attributes_count];
>>> }
>>> This says that "this method is a pattern". The source name of the pattern
>>> declaration is reified as `patternName`, and the matcher descriptor, which
>>> encodes the types of the bindings, is reified as a `MethodType` in
>>> `patternDescr`. The `flags` word can carry matcher-specific information
>>> such as
>>> "this matcher is a deconstructor" or "this matcher is total".
>>> A matcher method may have the usual variety of method attributes, such as
>>> `RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations` for annotations on the matcher declaration
>>> itself.
>>> If we wish to encode information about the matcher _bindings_, we do so with
>>> attributes inside the `Matcher` annotation itself. Attributes such as
>>> `Signature`, `ParameterNames`, `RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations`,
>>> etc, can
>>> appear in a `Matcher` and are interpreted relative to the matcher
>>> signature or
>>> descriptor. So if we had a matcher:
>>> ```
>>> matcher Foo(@Bar List<String> list) { ... }
>>> ```
>>> then the `Matcher` would contain a signature attribute corresponding to
>>> `(List<String>)` and a `RuntimeXxxParameterAnnotations` attribute
>>> describing the
>>> `@Bar` annotation on the first "parameter".
>>> #### Reflection
>>> Since matchers are a new kind of class member, they will need a new kind of
>>> reflective object, and a method that is analogous to
>>> `Class::getConstructors`.
>>> The reflective object for matchers should extend `Executable`, as all of the
>>> existing methods on `Executable` make sense for patterns. If the pattern is
>>> reflectively invoked, it returns `null` for no match, or an `Object[]`
>>> which is
>>> the boxing of the values in the carrier.
>>> We will then need some additional methods to describe the bindings, so the
>>> subtype of `Executable` has methods like `getBindings`,
>>> `getAnnotatedBindings`,
>>> `getGenericBindings`, `isDeconstructor`, `isPartial`, etc. These
>>> methods will
>>> decode the `Matcher` attribute and its embedded attributes.
>>> ## Summary
>>> This design borrows from previous rounds, but makes a number of
>>> simplifications.
>>> - The bindings of a pattern are captured in a `MethodType`, called the
>>> _matcher
>>> descriptor_. The parameters of the matcher descriptor are the types
>>> of the
>>> bindings; the return type is either `V` or the minimal type that
>>> will match
>>> (but is not as important as the bindings.)
>>> - Matchers are translated as methods whose names are derived
>>> deterministically
>>> from the name of the matcher and the erasure of the pattern
>>> descriptor. These
>>> are called _matcher methods_. Matcher methods take as parameters
>>> the input
>>> parameters of the pattern (if any), and return `Object`.
>>> - The returned object is an opaque carrier. Null means the pattern didn't
>>> match. A non-null value is the carrier type (from the carrier
>>> runtime) which
>>> is derived from the pattern descriptor.
>>> - Matcher methods are not directly invocable from the source language;
>>> they are
>>> invoked indirectly through pattern matching or reflection.
>>> - Generated code invokes the matcher method and interprets the
>>> returned value
>>> according to the protocol, using MHs from the carrier runtime to
>>> access the
>>> bindings.
>>> - Matcher methods have a `Matcher` attribute, which captures
>>> information about
>>> the matcher as a whole (is a total/partial, a deconstructor, etc) and
>>> parameter-related attributes which describe the bindings.
>>> - Matchers are reflected through a new subtype of `Executable`, which
>>> exposes
>>> new methods to reflect over bindings.
>>> - When invoking a matcher reflectively, the carrier is boxed to an
> >> `Object[]`.
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