JEP 447 Statements before super() - Preview feature?

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Mon May 15 17:13:38 UTC 2023

I agree that this one is at the edge of what we would need to preview, 
and so I can see going either way here.  Since we've never done a 
non-preview language feature since the advent of preview, we kind of 
have to face the problem here and decide not only for this feature, but 
on guidelines going forward.  So far, we've been following the implicit 
policy of "all language features go through preview" (I could easily 
imagine relaxing this to exclude things that are effectively language 

On the one hand, previewing adds some cost and work.  It means extra 
code in the compiler, extra tests, and then more work and another JEP to 
finalize it.  On the other, preview is a valuable mechanism for getting 
feedback on a feature before being stuck with it forever.

One notable thing about *this* JEP is that, even when everyone agreed on 
the scope and the approach, the spec still required a few rounds of 
iteration to get it right.  That suggests that even given its narrow 
focus, there are still potentially some demons lurking.

On 5/15/2023 12:49 PM, Archie Cobbs wrote:
> The following question came up and needs opinions from this list...
> JEP 447 Statements before super() is currently not specified as a 
> preview feature... should it be?
> On the one hand, language changes are usually previewed first; on the 
> other hand, this change is fairly simple and straightforward.
> Thanks,
> -Archie
> -- 
> Archie L. Cobbs
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