Draft Spec for Second Preview of Flexible Constructor Bodies (JEP 482)

Stephan Herrmann stephan.herrmann at berlin.de
Sun Jul 14 19:49:46 UTC 2024

This part doesn't look fully resolved to me:

Am 28.05.24 um 19:20 schrieb Stephan Herrmann:
> [...] > In § it says:
>      "References to instance variables of class C are disallowed ..."
> which seems to disqualify the following code:
> public class C {
>      String name;
>      C(C other) {
>          System.out.println(other.name);
>          super();
>      }
> }
> I assume this paragraph in italics is not normative, right? Later paragraphs are 
> clear that this applies to single name references and this references, but still 
> the above sentence seems misleading. The same applies for the next two sentences 
> (regarding other.foo(), or new other.Inner()).
> [...]

While the detailed rules in 15.12.3 look good, the explanation in still 
lacks precision. If that explanation is not meant to be precise, maybe it should 
indicate this :)

The same problem also exists in the summary in (which is not italics - 

"The rules (15.12.3) also prohibit a reference to an instance method occurring 
in any one of the following:
3. an early construction context ( of a class where the instance method 
is a member."

Interestingly, is more precise regarding qualified this expressions than 
what §15.8.4 says about it (see my previous post).


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