Update on String Templates (JEP 459)

Alex Buckley alex.buckley at oracle.com
Mon Mar 11 20:24:51 UTC 2024

On 3/11/2024 10:36 AM, Brian Goetz wrote:
> Overall, though, I am not so enthused about creating yet another new 
> lexical mechanism for having different kinds of stringy things.
All strings -- not just string literals, and not just constant 
expressions of type String -- can be composed with +. Is there an 
equivalent composition operator for string templates? (That is, all 
values of type StringTemplate, not just template literals.)

I ask because the more lexical similarity between a template literal and 
a string literal, the more I think people will try to use + with two 
template literals, or with one template literal and one string literal. 
AIUI the result will be a surprise:

String s = "Hello" + "\{x}";
   // Second operand to + undergoes string conversion a.k.a. toString()
print(s);  // Hello0x12345678


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