Update on String Templates (JEP 459)
Brian Goetz
brian.goetz at oracle.com
Wed Mar 13 19:05:59 UTC 2024
On 3/13/2024 10:48 AM, Archie Cobbs wrote:
> I was intrigued by this comment (Maurizio):
> > Another, simpler, option we considered was to use some kind of
> prefix to mark a string template literal (e.g. make that explicit,
> instead of resorting to language wizardry). That works, but has the
> disadvantage of breaking the spell that there is only “one string
> literal”, which is something we have worked quite hard to achieve.
> What exactly is the advantage, in terms of the mental model of the
> programmer, of having "one string literal"?
When we started doing text blocks, we did a survey of string
literal-like features in other languages, and were a little concerned
that a lot of languages had a proliferation of different kinds of
strings with different rules. (An example of "different rules for
different kinds of strings" would be that $ is a regular character in a
string literal, but an escape character in an interpolated string.)
Before we figured out the design center of text blocks (think
"two-dimensional string literals"), there were a number of envisioned
extension directions for string literals -- multi-line, raw, embedded
expressions, etc. And because these extension directions are
orthogonal, there could easily be 2^n kinds of string literal. We
didn't want to put users in a position of having to choose between e.g.,
"raw" and "multi-line", nor did we want to risk there being interactions
between the rules for these different sub-kinds.
One technique we use to tie together these various forms is by having a
common sub-language within the quotes; each of the forms uses the same
set of escape sequences (though this set is extended with
context-specific options, such as \{ for templates.) Another is the
delimiters; they are all "double-quote flavored", again to provide a
sense that these are all projections of the same core literal feature.
The more we wander from this center, the more we risk ending up with
locally-sane but globally-inconsistent sub-features.
> Maybe I'm just not seeing it.
> I can understand the advantage of having String <: StringTemplate -
> that gives me more flexibility when passing around objects - great!
> But do I need that same flexibility with /literals/?
> Consider how we handle float vs. double literals. They overlap for
> 32-bit values, which is very convenient, but you can also "force" a
> narrower interpretation by adding an "f" suffix. That seems like
> pretty much the best of both worlds to me.
> So is this an analogous situation? Then we'd allow a StringTemplate
> literal to have an /optional/ "$" prefix:
> obj.takingString("abcd"); // ok - string
> obj.takingTemplate("abcd"); // ok - template
> obj.takingStringOrTemplate($"abcd"); // ok - template
> obj.takingStringOrTemplate("abcd"); // ok - string or template
> (personally I don't care)
> obj.takingString($"abcd"); // fail
> obj.takingTemplate($"abcd"); // ok - template
> obj.takingString("x = \{var}"); // fail
> obj.takingTemplate("x = \{var}"); // ok - template
> Thanks,
> -Archie
> --
> Archie L. Cobbs
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