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<p>Hi Aggelos, I did a pass on the primitive pattern JEP:</p>
<p><a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://cr.openjdk.org/~abimpoudis/instanceof/instanceof-20230913/specs/instanceof-jls.html">https://cr.openjdk.org/~abimpoudis/instanceof/instanceof-20230913/specs/instanceof-jls.html</a></p>
<p>Here are some comments:</p>
<p>* `A widening primitive conversion of a byte to an int is
unconditionally exact. Any value that b holds is representable
exactly in an int. As a result, the value of i will always
represent, exactly the same information that the variable b
<p>Here it is not very clear where does "b" comes from. It is shown
in the code snippet, of course, but the text reads funny because
it comes before the snippet. One simple fix would be to move the
snippet around:</p>
A widening primitive conversion of a byte to an int is
unconditionally exact:<br>
byte b = ...<br>
int i = (int) b;<br>
Any value that b holds is representable exactly in an int. As a
result, the value of i will always represent, exactly the same
information that the variable b holds.<br>
<p>* `A conversion C from a type S to a type P for a value x is
exact if ...` - I presume you mean that "x" has type S ? If so,
would be helpful to spell it out clearly?</p>
<p>* `... then <code>C</code> is exact
if the run-time test <code>S instanceof P</code> returns
<code>true</code>.` - should't this be `x instanceof P` ?</p>
<p>* In general, when you deal with multiple conversions (e.g.
boxing followed by narrowing followed by XYZ), it is not clear to
me that it's worth spelling out all of the combinations? You have
defined when a widening is exact. And, we are also defining when
an unboxing is exact (e.g. if the source object is not null).
Boxing is always exact. As for narrowing you are defining that
using instanceof. So... can't we just say that any conversion that
is composed of multiple exact conversions is itself exact? (if so,
the text can be simplified quite a bit?)</p>
<p>* `... if <code>S</code> and <code>P</code> are both integral
types and
either of them is <code>char</code>,` isn't it the case that this
must also be a narrowing conversion? Because if it's widening you
already have said that going from any integral to any integral is
also exact.</p>
<p>* `Otherwise, if both S and P are primitive types, then:` - does
this section have to spell out all cases? Or can we say that,
again we just issue `x instanceof P` and then we explain how this
behaves somewhere else (e.g. in chapter 15) ?</p>
<p>* `An inexact conversion may either result in an exception and
will not yield any value or may in no exceptions and will yield a
value. In the latter case, loss of information has occured.` -
this sentence seems to have some issues, especially in the second
part (missing "result"?)<br>
<p>* `The narrowing reference conversion` -> `A narrowing
reference conversion` (same for the para below)</p>
<p>* `<em>P</em> contains a pattern with a primitive type <em>p` </em>where
do we say that e.g. `int x` covers `int` ? This para seems to be
about boxing</p>
<p>* In, I see many references to "T", which is not
introduced in this section</p>
<p>* "then the result is true if the value of the
RelationalExpression could be cast to the primitive type exactly,
and false otherwise." Maybe add a reference to the section on
exact conversion?</p>