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<blockquote type="cite" cite="mid:747149434.111514854.1706127578940.JavaMail.zimbra@univ-eiffel.fr">
<pre class="moz-quote-pre" wrap="">And as a general remarks, I hope there will be a following JEP about record instance creation that allows to use the syntax of a transformation block to initialize a record.
Because as this have been already discussed on several mailing list, if we only give the derived instance creation syntax, people will twist it to be able to initialize a record by component names, by adding an empty constructor that does nothing on the record. Defeating the idea that constructors should ensure that an invalid instance is not possible to create.
Two things about this. <br>
1. In a sense, there _already is_ a way to create a record instance
using the syntax of a transformation block: it is called a compact
constructor. If you look carefully, the body of a compact
constructor, and RHS of a with-expression, are the same thing --
they are blocks for which N mutable locals magically appear, the
block gets run, the final values of those locals are observed, and
fed to the canonical constructor of a record. <br>
But I know this is not what you mean. <br>
2. You are hoping that this can be turned into something like
invoking constructor parameters by name rather than positionally.
But it seems that your argument here is not "because that would be a
really good thing", but more "people want it so badly that they will
distort their code to do it". But that's never a good reason to add
a language feature. <br>
I think many of the "turn records into builders" proposals (of which
there are many) leave out an important consideration: that the real
value of by-name initialization is when you have an aggregate with a
large number of components, most of which are optional.
Initializing with<br>
new R(a: 1, b: 2, c: 3)<br>
is not materially better than<br>
new R(1, 2, 3)<br>
when R only has three components. It is when R has 26 components,
24 of which are optional, that makes things like:<br>
new R(a:1, z :26)<br>
more tempting. But the suggestion above doesn't move us towards
having an answer for that, and having to write out<br>
new R(a: 1, b : <default-for-b>, c: <default-for-c>,
... z: 26)<br>
isn't much of an improvement. <br>
For records for which most parameters _do_ have reasonable defaults,
then a slight modification of the trick you suggest actually works,
and also captures useful semantics in the programming model: <br>
record R(int a /* required */, <br>
int b /* optional, default = 0 */, <br>
int z / * required */) { <br>
public R(int a, int z) { this(a, 0, 0, ..., z); }<br>
and you can construct an R with<br>
new R(1, 26) with { h = 8 };<br>
where the alternate constructor takes the required parameters and
fills in defaults for the rest, and then you can use withers from
there. (People will complain "but then you are creating a record
twice, think of the cost", to which the rejoinder is "then use a
value record.") <br>