Primitives in instanceof and patterns

Daniel Avery danielaveryj at
Sat Sep 10 04:22:41 UTC 2022

Admittedly my first thought about folding primitive type conversions into
patterns was, "Oh no," but then seeing the deep symmetry drawn with casts
was pretty compelling.

I wonder if I am correct to assume that this symmetry would also inform how
transitive relationships are handled? For instance, I can use a series of
conversions to transform an Integer to a short:

    Integer x = 3;
    int y = x;
    short z = (short) y;

>From symmetry, I'd assume that I would not be able to "destructure an
Integer to a short" directly, and would instead have to use a symmetric
series of patterns:

    x instanceof int y && y instanceof short z

Bonus question... Would it be legal/equivalent to express this as:

    x instanceof Integer y && y instanceof short z

It is not symmetric with casting, but since null is excluded, it seems that
for destructuring purposes Integer and int share the same set of possible

- Daniel Avery
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