Update on String Templates (JEP 459)

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Thu Mar 14 22:00:17 UTC 2024

On 14/03/2024 19:39, Guy Steele wrote:
> This is a very important example to consider. I observe, however, that 
> there are at least two possible ways to avoid the unpleasant surprise:
> (1) Don't have string interpolation literals, because accidentally 
> using a string interpolation literal instead of a string template 
> literals can result in invoking the wrong overload of a method.
> (2) Don’t overload methods so as to accept either a string or a string 
> template.

I agree with your analysis, but note that there is also a third option:

(3) make it so that both string interpolation literal and string 
template literal have a prefix.

I believe that is enough to solve the issue (because the program I wrote 
would no longer compile: the compiler would require an explicit prefix).


> If we were to take approach (2), then:
> (a) We would keep `println` as is, and not allow it to accept a 
> template, but that’s okay—if you thought you wanted a template, what 
> you really want is plan old string interpolation, and the type 
> checking will make sure you don't use the wrong one.
> (b) A SQL processor would accept a template but not a string—if you 
> thought you wanted string interpolation, what you really want is a 
> template, and the type checking will make sure you don't use the wrong 
> one.
> (c) I think `format` is a special case that we tend to get hung up on, 
> and I think that, in this particular branch of the design space we are 
> exploring, perhaps a name other than `String.format` should be chosen 
> for the method that does string formatting on templates. Possible 
> names are `StringTemplate.format` and `String.format$`, but I will 
> leave further bikeshedding on this to others. I do recognize that this 
> move will not enable the type system per se to absolutely prevent 
> programmers from writing
> |String.format("Hello, my name is %s{name}"); // can you spot the bug? |
> but, as Clement has observed, such cases will probably provoke a 
> warning about a mismatch between the number of arguments and the 
> number of %-specifiers that require parameters, so maybe overloading 
> would be okay anyway for `String.format`.
> Anyway, my point is that whether to overload a method to accept either 
> a string or a string template can be evaluated on a case-by-case basis 
> according to a small number of principles that I think we could 
> enumerate and explain pretty easily.
> —Guy
>> On Mar 14, 2024, at 1:40 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore 
>> <maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Not to pour too much cold water on the idea of having string 
>> interpolation literal, but I’d like to mention a few points here.
>> First, it was a deliberate design goal of the string template feature 
>> to make interpolation an explicit act. Note that, if we had the 
>> syntax you describe, we actually achieve the opposite effect: string 
>> interpolation is now the default, and implicit, and actually 
>> /cheaper/ (to type) than the safer template alternative. This is a 
>> bit of a red herring, I think.
>> The second problem is that interpolation literals can sometimes be 
>> deceiving. Consider this example:
>> |String.format("Hello, my name is %s{name}"); // can you spot the bug? |
>> Where |String::format| has a new overload which accepts a StringTemplate.
>> Basically, since here we forgot the leading “$” (or whatever char 
>> that is), the whole thing is just a big interpolation. Semantically 
>> equivalent to:
>> |String.format("Hello, my name is %s" + name); // whoops! |
>> This will fail, as |String::format| will be waiting for an argument 
>> (a string), but none is provided. So:
>> || Exception java.util.MissingFormatArgumentException: Format 
>> specifier '%s' | at Formatter.format (Formatter.java:2672) | at 
>> Formatter.format (Formatter.java:2609) | at String.format 
>> (String.java:2897) | at (#2:1) |
>> This is a very odd (and new!) failure mode, that I’m sure is gonna 
>> surprise developers.
>> Maurizio
>> On 14/03/2024 15:08, Guy Steele wrote:
>>> Second thoughts about how to explain a string interpolation literal:
>>>> On Mar 13, 2024, at 2:02 PM, Guy Steele<guy.steele at oracle.com>  wrote:
>>>> . . .
>>>> —————————
>>>> String is not a subtype of StringTemplate; they are disjoint types.
>>>> 	$”foo”              is a (trivial) string template literal
>>>> 	“foo”                is a string literal
>>>>          $”Hello, \{x}”     is a (nontrivial) string template literal
>>>>          “Hello, \{x}”      is a shorthand (expanded by the compiler) for `String.of($“Hello, \{x}”)`
>>>> —————————
>>> Given that the intent is that String.of (or whatever we want to call it—possibly the `interpolation` instance method of class `StringTemplate` rather than a static method `String.of`) should just do standard string concatenation, we might be better off just saying that a string interpolation literal is expanded by the compiler into uses of “+”; for example,
>>>           “Hello, \{x}.”
>>> (I have added a period to the example to make the point clearer) is expanded into
>>>          “Hello, “ + x + “.”
>>> and in general
>>>          “c0\{e1}c1\{e2}c2…\{en}cn”
>>> (where each ck is a possibly empty sequence of string characters and each ek is an expression)  is expanded into
>>>          “c0” + (e1) + “c1” + (e2) + “c2” + … + (en) + “cn”
>>> The point is that, with this definition, “c0\{e1}c1\{e2}c2…\{en}cn” is a constant expression iff every ek is a constant expression. This is handy for interpolating constant variables into a string that is itself intended to be constant.
>>> —Guy
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