OpenJDK Interim Governance Board: New Members

Mark Reinhold mr at
Mon Jun 8 22:02:57 PDT 2009

I'm pleased to announce that Sun has appointed Martin Buchholz (Google)
and Andrew Haley (Red Hat) to the OpenJDK Interim Governance Board [1].

For those who don't already know them, some background:

  - Martin Buchholz is a software engineer at Google.  A developer of the
    JDK core libraries at Sun for many years, he continues to contribute
    to OpenJDK, especially in the areas of collections, concurrency, and
    subprocesses.  He has contributed to many free software projects over
    the years, most notably as maintainer of XEmacs.

  - Andrew Haley is Open Source Java Technical Lead at Red Hat.  He has
    been a GCC developer for more than a decade, working particularly on
    GCJ, of which he is co-maintainer.  He has also made contributions to
    Classpath and many other GNU projects.  He has been closely involved
    with OpenJDK since its first release, with a particular focus on
    improving the flow of contributions by breaking down barriers between
    OpenJDK developers outside Sun and those within.

The expanded Interim Governance Board is now complete, per last year's
amendment to the OpenJDK Charter [2].  We expect to resume work on our
primary task, namely the creation of a Constitution for the OpenJDK
Community, in the next four to six weeks.

- Mark


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