From iris.clark at Tue Feb 12 00:30:38 2019 From: iris.clark at (Iris Clark) Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019 16:30:38 -0800 (PST) Subject: OpenJDK Governing Board MInutes: 2017/11/30, 2018/08/23, 2019/01/10 Message-ID: The minutes of the OpenJDK Governing Board's meetings on 11 Nov 2017, 23 Aug 2018, and 10 Jan 2019 are now available: Thanks, Iris From jcbeyler at Thu Feb 14 00:02:10 2019 From: jcbeyler at (Jean Christophe Beyler) Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 16:02:10 -0800 Subject: Call For Vote: Project Tsan Message-ID: Hello, I hereby propose the creation of the Tsan Project with Jean Christophe Beyler as the Lead and the Serviceability Group as the sponsoring Group. In accordance with the OpenJDK guidelines [1], the TSAN project would provide a venue to explore and incubate a Thread SANitizing (TSAN) feature that could be integrated into the Hotspot JVM and the JVM Tool Interface. This includes working, evaluating, and incubating a Thread-Sanitizer implementation [2] for Java. The Google platform team has historically worked on a Thread SANitizing (TSAN) project internally. Thread sanitizing allows Java users to see data race conditions in their Java projects. It is used internally to automatically detect and warn users of existing data races detected while running user code. The TSAN project proposes to investigate, in the open, how these changes could be made general enough to be pushed into the mainline, or should be dropped due to being too specific or could be done using other existing mechanisms. The project would not be a Google-only project and will have a mailing list to discuss and potentially accept any contribution trying to extend and/or enhance the TSAN implementation. The evaluation criteria for the TSAN implementation includes but would not be limited to: * Performance: not adding overhead to non-tsan runs is paramount and there are various means to do so * General usefulness for the community at large so that the TSAN feature is deemed a good feature to have If the TSAN implementation becomes stable and is deemed useful enough, the TSAN project would shepherd the work in one or more JEPs to integrate TSAN into the mainline of OpenJDK. The Tsan project scope was discussed during the call for discussion for the Atlantis project [3]. It was determined that the Atlantis project's scope was not well defined and it would be better to start with a separate Tsan project with an end goal and better determined boundaries. The current suggested initial Reviewers and Committers would be but is most likely not going to be limited to (alphabetical order of first name): * Alex Menkov (amenkov) * Chuck Rasbold (rasbold) * Daniil Titov (dtitov) * Jean Christophe Beyler (jcbeyler) * Liam Cushon (cushon) * Serguei Spitsyn (sspitsyn) Votes are due by Wednesday 27, 23:59 pm Pacific Time. Only current OpenJDK Members [3] are eligible to vote on this motion. Votes must be cast in the open on the discuss list. Replying to this message is sufficient if your mail program honors the Reply-To header. For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [5]. Thanks, Jc [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] From iris.clark at Tue Feb 26 17:51:47 2019 From: iris.clark at (Iris Clark) Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2019 09:51:47 -0800 (PST) Subject: OpenJDK Governing Board 2019 Election: Nominations Please Message-ID: <708ca040-46ce-403b-a3a0-996f5c015486@default> The OpenJDK Governing Board oversees the structure and operation of the OpenJDK Community [1]. It has two At-Large Members who serve for a term of one calendar year, nominally starting on the first day of April each year [2]. The two-week nomination period for candidates to fill those seats is now open. It will end at 23:00 UTC on Tuesday, 12 March 2019 [3]. During this time any OpenJDK Member [4] may nominate an individual who does not currently hold an appointed Governing Board seat to fill one of the At-Large seats. That individual need not already be an OpenJDK Member. An OpenJDK Member may make more than one such nomination. To nominate someone, send an e-mail message to members at with the subject line "GB Nomination: $NAME", where $NAME is the full name of the person you're nominating. Use the body of the message to make the best case you can for your nominee. Nominees must accept their nominations by the start of voting. Those who do accept will be invited to submit short candidate statements to be posted on the election page [5]. Voting will start on Wednesday, 13 March 2019 and run for two weeks. All OpenJDK Members as of the start of the voting period will be eligible to vote. Detailed information on voting logistics will be available shortly. Iris [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]