OpenJDK Governing Board 2019 Election: Nominations Please

Iris Clark iris.clark at
Tue Feb 26 17:51:47 UTC 2019

The OpenJDK Governing Board oversees the structure and operation of the
OpenJDK Community [1].  It has two At-Large Members who serve for a term of
one calendar year, nominally starting on the first day of April each year [2].

The two-week nomination period for candidates to fill those seats is now open.
It will end at 23:00 UTC on Tuesday, 12 March 2019 [3].

During this time any OpenJDK Member [4] may nominate an individual who does
not currently hold an appointed Governing Board seat to fill one of the
At-Large seats.  That individual need not already be an OpenJDK Member.  An
OpenJDK Member may make more than one such nomination.

To nominate someone, send an e-mail message to members at
with the subject line "GB Nomination: $NAME", where $NAME is the full name of
the person you're nominating.  Use the body of the message to make the best
case you can for your nominee.

Nominees must accept their nominations by the start of voting.  Those who do
accept will be invited to submit short candidate statements to be posted on
the election page [5].

Voting will start on Wednesday, 13 March 2019 and run for two weeks.  All
OpenJDK Members as of the start of the voting period will be eligible to vote.
Detailed information on voting logistics will be available shortly.



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