[Audio-engine-dev] OpenJDK: Sound API Contribution

Florian Bomers javasound-dev at bome.com
Sun Aug 5 01:21:52 PDT 2007

Hi Alexander,

you're mostly right, but I guess it's a good idea to read through
the (few) emails that have been exchanged so far on this mailing
list, and especially on sound-dev at openjdk.java.net .

We can need every volunteer, your help will be much appreciated.


On 8/5/2007 9:56 AM, Alexander Schunk wrote:
> Hi Florian,
> thanks for the information.
> As i understood from the information of the Group homepage, almost the whole Sound engine was third party licenced and in native - that is C or C++ - code so my offer would be to write a Java Sound Engine from scratch - if its possible to acccess OS hardware features with Java.
> If not i think one will always need some native code to write such an API.
> I wonder why its not possible to use an existing opensouce Sound API and integrate it into OpenJDK. 
> This would have advantage that it is (i) tested, (ii), supported by an exisiting community and (iii) may have documentation.
> Otherwise you will have to (i) rewrite your Sound Engine from scratch, (ii) test it on various plattforms and (iii) provide new documentation and announce it to the public.
> Anyway i am still interested in providing code or ideas for this API. 
> Best
> Alex
>  "Florian Bomers" <mailto:javasound-dev at bome.com> schrieb:
>> The last I know is that most of the Java Sound source is still
>> closed because of pending copyright clearance.
>> Alex (Menkov), what's the state of things? I restate my offer to
>> identify the third party components.
>> Regards,
>> Florian
>> On 8/4/2007 9:32 PM, Alexander Schunk wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> i joined this mailing list and am interested in contributing to this project with some code.
>>> I have checked out your projects home page and am curious what points of your requirements list have already been achieved and what is still open todo.
>>> Best Regards
>>> Alexander
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>> -- 
>> Florian Bomers
>> Bome Software
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Music Software, Development Tools:  http://www.bome.com
>> Java Sound extensions, plugins: http://www.tritonus.org
>> The Java Sound Resources:    http://www.jsresources.org
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Please quote this email in your reply. Thanks!

Florian Bomers
Bome Software

Music Software, Development Tools:  http://www.bome.com
Java Sound extensions, plugins: http://www.tritonus.org
The Java Sound Resources:    http://www.jsresources.org
Please quote this email in your reply. Thanks!

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