[Audio-engine-dev] Java Audio Engine

Mario Torre neugens at limasoftware.net
Wed May 9 12:06:02 PDT 2007


And sorry for cross posting! :)

I see that this one is the fist message to this list, and so sorry to
the maintainers because the netiquette should make me wait for at least
a welcome message :) [1]

But I was not able to wait to say two small things (and to make some
noise around as always...).

First: Thank you! This is one of the most important day my life as a
programmer has seen so far!

Second (and finally audio related), as someone of you may already know,
I'm working with the Classpath Community to bring GStreamer into
Classpath as a Sound API backend.

I'm developing it for Classpath (so never thought about a well organized
Audio Engine) and I don't have lots of code right now that I can share
(few things, the project is "just" started), but I'm sure that what I
will be able to write can be easily shared with the OpenJDK team if you
like it.

I've subscribed to both the Java Audio lists trying to get more details
on the Java Sound API and to share my thoughts in the hope that this
will be useful to both projects.

We (as in "Classpath") are all very excited about the OpenJDK and want
to share as much as we can with you; I hope, but I'm also sure, that
this will work out well.

Thanks again and good work bringing voice to Duke (and Tap!)!


[1] Thus, I'm breaking the netiquette two times already!

Lima Software - http://www.limasoftware.net/
GNU Classpath Developer - http://www.classpath.org/
Jabber: neugens at jabber.org - Profile:
pgp key: http://subkeys.pgp.net/
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