[Audio-engine-dev] Gervill 0.5 just released with improved emergency soundbank

Karl Helgason kalli at midverk.is
Sat Nov 10 18:59:17 PST 2007


Gervill now has a project page at java.net:


Version 0.5 has also just been released,  and can be downloaded here:

 - New instruments in Emergency Soundbank:
          * Acoustic Grand Piano
          * Bright Acoustic Piano
          * Honky-tonk Piano
          * Guitar
          * Distortion Guitar
          * Trumpet
          * Trombone
          * Brass Section
          * Horn
          * Sax
          * Oboe
          * Bassoon
          * Clarient
          * Flute
          * Timpani
          * Melodic Toms
          * Reverse Cymbal
          * Orch Hit
  - Faster Linear Interpolation
    with no float to int casting.
  - LargeSoundBankReader removed,
    Loading soundbank in large mode using urls removed.
  - Soundbank aren't loaded into memory
    until loadInstrument/loadAllInstrument
    is called in SoftSynthesizer.
    This enable loading only single instrument
    from soundbank collection into memory.
  - New "large mode" property added to SoftSynthesizer.
  - "getInstrument" method in DLS/SF2/SimpleSoundbank
    now returns ordered list by program,bank,percussion.
  - Fix AccessControlException in "SoftSynthesizer.getDefaultSoundbank",
    which occurred when using SoftSynthesizer in Applets.

Karl Helgason

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