[Audio-engine-dev] Synthesizer engine proposal

Karl Helgason kalli at midverk.is
Thu Sep 20 22:02:53 PDT 2007


I have been working on new synthesizer engine as a proposal for the audio-engine project.

The synthesizer can be downloaded here:

It looks for default soundbank in these location:
    %JAVA_RUNTIME_LOCATION%\lib\audio\*.dls and *.sf2

Hightlight of features:

* Downloadable Sound Level 2.2
* SoundFonts 2.04 (24 bit)
* Gravis Ultrasound-compatible patches
* Use Audio files (AIFF, AU and WAV) as SoundBanks
* General Midi Level 2
* MIDI Tuning Standard
* Drumkits can be used on any channel
* Sinc interpolation with anti-aliasing

List of Technical Specification used:

   The Complete MIDI 1.0 Detailed Specification
     (document  version 96.1 second edition).
   General MIDI 2 (Version 1.1, September 10, 2003).
   GM2 MIDI Tuning Amendment (RP-037)
   Downloadable Sounds Level 1 (Version 1.1b, September 2004).
   Downloadable Sounds Level 2.2 (Version 1.0, April 2006).
   CA# 22, Controller Destination Setting
   CA# 23, Key-Based Instrument Controllers
   CA# 24, Global Parameter Control
   CA# 25, Master Fine/Coarse Tuning
   CA# 26, Modulation Depth Range RPN
     The MIDI Manufacturers Association Los Angelese, CA.

   SoundFont 2.1 Application Note
     (Wednesday, August 12, 1998)
     Joint E-mu/Creative Technology Center E-mu Systems, Inc
   SoundFont(R) Technical Specification
     (Version 2.04, February 3, 2006)

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