[Audio-engine-dev] New Gervill CVS imported into IcedTea6

Mark Wielaard mark at klomp.org
Mon Nov 10 03:45:48 PST 2008


I updated the IcedTea6 Gervill overlay with current Gervill CVS.

Out current set of changes compared with upstream are now really minimal
(diff attached). It incorporates a couple of the fixes for the
unloadInstruments methods from icedtea. It also fixes an imported bug
reported against icedtea "freezes on simple midi app":

Also since openjdk6 imported a newer Gervill and incorporated a couple
of the changes in the icedtea gervill not yet upstream, we are a bit
closer again. diff between icedtea6-openjdk6 attached. Some of this is
just reformatting changed done in the openjdk6 on the upstream sources.
Not included in the diff is the renaming/changes to the upstream tests
(most of which are similar to our and upstream tests, but repackaged and
slightly reformatted).

All jtreg tests, both the com/sun/media/sound ones from upstream, as the
older javax/sound/midi in openjdk6 (which are almost all a copy of the
upstream tests renamed into a different package) pass.
And you can run them with the new jtreg -s flag, which gives an enormous
speed boost! That is in 45 seconds. Compared to 4.5 minutes without -s.
Test results: passed: 475

2008-11-10  Mark Wielaard  <mark at klomp.org>

        * overlays/openjdk/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/media/sound/
        Updated to new Gervill CVS.

Changes to the icedtea overlays since last import attached.

The actual changes to Gervill since our last import:

- Fix: Throw IllegalArgumentException Exception on
       invalid soundbank to:
       SoftSynthesizer.unloadAllInstruments(Soundbank soundbank)
       SoftSynthesizer.unloadInstruments(Soundbank soundbank, Patch[] patchList)
       just like done in:
       SoftSynthesizer.unloadInstrument(Instrument instrument).
- Change: SoftMainMixer, SoftVoice optimized for mono voices.
- Change: SoftFilter optimized. 
- Fix: Turn SoftJitterCorrector, SoftAudioPusher threads into a daemon threads.
       These threads prevented the VM to exit when synthesizer was open.
       See: http://icedtea.classpath.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=213 


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