[Audio-engine-dev] Updating Gervill for OpenJDK 6 build 13

Joseph D. Darcy Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM
Mon Sep 22 16:15:20 PDT 2008

Joe Darcy wrote:
> Hello.
> Since OpenJDK 6 took a snapshot of Gervill for b12, Gervill was been 
> updated.  Also, Mark Wielaard has a patch which address some JCK 
> failures:
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/audio-engine-dev/2008-September/000059.html 
> For the next build of OpenJDK 6,  build 13, I'd like to include both 
> sets of changes; below is patch of those changes compared to build 12.
> Please review by September 19.
> Thanks,
> -Joe

I've applied the previously sent patch to the OpenJDK 6 b13 sources.



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