<AWT Dev> <Swing Dev> [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Portable GUI backends

Oleg Sukhodolsky Oleg.Sukhodolsky at Sun.COM
Fri Feb 29 23:37:27 PST 2008

I am second to Dmitri,  I like this suggestion.


Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:
>   Hi Roman,
>   this looks like a good proposal. Won't be easy, but
>   it would be nice to have a clear separation between
>   the interfaces and the implementation.
>   Thanks,
>     Dmitri
> Roman Kennke wrote:
>> Hi,
>> (sorry for x-posting, but I think this affects all 3 lists.)
>> I'd like to point you to my proposal for the OpenJDK Innovators
>> Challenge, which aims to improve the design of AWT, Java2D and Swing,
>> such that it is possible to implement new (external) backends for AWT
>> and Java2D:
>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/challenge-discuss/2008-February/000045.html 
>> I'd like to hear your opinion on that proposal. The proposal phase ends
>> on march, 2nd, I will send the final proposal then, so if you have a
>> good suggestion for improvement, I'd be happy if you could post it today
>> or tomorrow (in reply to the proposal, not this email please).
>> Thanks alot and cheers, Roman

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