<AWT Dev> EventQueue changes

Artem Ananiev Artem.Ananiev at Sun.COM
Tue Sep 16 01:57:52 PDT 2008

Oleg Sukhodolsky wrote:
>> 1. A single lock is introduced to handle all the EQ operations like push,
>> pop, getNextEvent, etc. instead of locking all EQ objects one by one, if
>> several.
> this change is backward incompatible :(  Why do you think that this is
> the only way to fix synchronization problems.
> Could you describe this problems with more details?

This change is formally backwards compatible, as there is no single word 
about EQ synchronization in specification :) I clearly understand some 
libraries may be broken - see http://foxtrot.sourceforge.net/ project 
for example - however any code that relies on JDK internals is written 
by developers on their own risk.

A couple of words about the code. As described in 4913324, the order of 
locks may be different when using 3+ event queues which lead to 
deadlocks. To resolve this problem we either need: replace many locks 
with a single one, or make all the machinery single-threaded, or always 
specify the order of locks. The second approach is hardly implementable, 
because AWT is multi-threaded. The third approach is also difficult, in 
particular, because of event queue is accessed from at least two 
packages: java.awt and sun.awt - while all the information about EQ 
stack is package private in java.awt

Another possible solution I haven't thought about yet is to try to 
eliminate SunToolkit$PostEventQueue usage at all. This would resolve 
some (but probably, not all) problems, but it may have some impact on 
security and performance at the same time.

My general argumentation is following. Some basic usages of EQ API must 
not be broken by suggested changes. Complex libraries/applications may 
indeed be broken, however I'm not sure if they even exist - there are 
too many problems with the current implementation.



> Thanks in advance, Oleg.
> On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 12:10 PM, Artem Ananiev <Artem.Ananiev at sun.com> wrote:
>> Hi, Oleg,
>> Oleg Sukhodolsky wrote:
>>> On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 3:55 PM, Artem Ananiev <Artem.Ananiev at sun.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi, AWT team,
>>>> there are several issues related to EventQueue class with a long history.
>>>> The number of user votes constantly grows, so I think it would be fine if
>>>> we
>>>> can get them fixed in some nearest future.
>>>> The list of bugs include (but not limited to):
>>>> 6424157: java.awt.EventQueue push/pop might cause threading issues
>>>> 6542185: Threading issues with java.awt.EventQueue.push/pop
>>>> (closed as not a defect, but some of described problems still exist)
>>>> 4913324: Deadlock when using two event queues.
>>>> 4516924: Request public access to pumpEvents(Conditional) type
>>>> functionality.
>>>> 6727884: Some Uncaught Exceptions are no longer getting sent to the
>>>> Uncaught
>>>> Exception Handlers
>>>> Some of the described problems don't look related to each other, however
>>>> after a closer look I found they really do. That's why I listed them here
>>>> altogether, and would like to discuss some possible improvements:
>>>> 1. Synchronization changes. Most of the problems with push/pop are caused
>>>> by
>>>> imperfect synchronization in EventQueue. Currently, all the actions like
>>>> postEvent() or getNextEvent() are transferred back and forth in the stack
>>>> of
>>>> event queues, and each queue is accessed in its 'synchronized' block.
>>>> Instead, a single lock looks more correct here.
>>>> 2. EventDispatchThread lifecycle. It is a known fact, that event dispatch
>>>> thread may die for some reason (for example, because of unhandled
>>>> exception). When a new event comes, new EDT is created. Another case when
>>>> EDT is switched is push/pop methods: when a new EQ is pushed/popped, a
>>>> new
>>>> EDT is created.
>>>> I'm sure these changes of current dispatch thread is not what developers
>>>> expect. Swing is considered as single-threaded toolkit, but it is really
>>>> not...
>>>> 3. Controllable event pump. This is what developers have been requesting
>>>> for
>>>> at least 8 years. With the current API this task cannot be solved, and
>>>> all
>>>> the external libs like Foxtrot are really just hacks and depend on JDK
>>>> internals.
>>>> From technical point of view, controllable event pump is just a several
>>>> lines of code changes: we only need to make public the code which is used
>>>> for modality event pumps.
>>>> ----
>>>> I have a prototype fix with all the three items implemented. Still, it
>>>> would
>>>> be fine to hear what all AWT developers think about proposed changes.
>>> I see list of problems, but do not see list of proposed changes :(
>>> Did I miss something?
>> You're right, the changes are not included, my fault... Here they are:
>> 1. A single lock is introduced to handle all the EQ operations like push,
>> pop, getNextEvent, etc. instead of locking all EQ objects one by one, if
>> several.
>> 2. EventDispatchThread is reused as much as possible. When a new EQ is
>> pushed, it uses the old EDT instead of creating a new one. The same is true
>> for pop().
>> 3. pumpEvents() API is made public, probably with some minor changes.
>> Thanks,
>> Artem
>>> With best regards, Oleg.

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