<AWT Dev> [PATCH] Cleanup AWT peer interfaces

Andrei V. Dmitriev Andrei.Dmitriev at Sun.COM
Thu Sep 18 01:09:35 PDT 2008

After a short chat with Anton Tarasov believe I got your intention. :)
Sure, I personally prefer if everyone interested would take part in 
review. I'd also prefer if some of you do push once you get the OK from 
each side.

Still, changing the state of the bug [1] which will become available for 
public shortly, is an action for me.


[1] http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6749750

Mario Torre wrote:
> Il giorno mer, 17/09/2008 alle 18.24 +0400, Andrei V. Dmitriev ha
> scritto:
>> I like that stuff!
>> Isn't it reasonable to push that into JDK7? Sure!
>> I'll file a defect and send CR number in a separate message.
>> Thanks,
>>    Andrei
> :)
> If I can suggest, is it possible that this time we have the review to
> happen in public?
> Cheers,
> Mario

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