<AWT Dev> [PATCH] ComponentAccessor

Roman Kennke roman at kennke.org
Fri Jan 16 06:14:01 PST 2009

Today I found the aweful (sorry) ComponentAccessor. I quickly rewrote it
using what I call the 'friends for Java' pattern (described here:



This has a couple of advantages:

- no reflection (I don't like reflection)
- compile-time safety
- better IDE support (i.e. I was trying to trace
ComponentPeer.getGraphicsConfiguration() back today, and only got to
Window.resetGC(), because this one is only called via reflection in
- I'd guess that performance is slighly better, but that probably
doesn't matter much in these cases.

Do you think that should go into OpenJDK?

Webrev: http://kennke.org/~roman/componentaccess/webrev/

Cheers, Roman

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