<AWT Dev> [PATCH] Fix X11 window size calculation

Anthony Petrov Anthony.Petrov at Sun.COM
Wed Jan 21 07:01:50 PST 2009

Hi Omair,

I've just been thinking: shouldn't the test include a legal notice in 
the beginning of the file? Please use any existing test as an example.

best regards,

On 01/19/2009 07:57 PM Omair Majid wrote:
> Hi Anthony,
> Anthony Petrov wrote:
>> The fix looks fine (taking into account the changes suggested by 
>> Artem). I would also ask to remove the unneeded comment lines from the 
>> test code. The printout's, however, may safely be uncommented - this 
>> would be a useful information should the test ever fail.
>> Please send the clean version of the latest patch to this mailing list 
>> for final reviewing.
> Patch is attached. It was diffed against jdk7 but should apply (with a 
> fuzz) to jdk6 as well.
> Cheers,
> Omair

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