<AWT Dev> [PATCH]: Fix modal dialog (was Problem with modal Dialog)

Artem Ananiev Artem.Ananiev at Sun.COM
Tue Mar 24 03:56:47 PDT 2009

Looks fine.



Roman Kennke wrote:
> So this is the patch I propose to fix this modal dialog problem.
> /Roman
> Am Donnerstag, den 19.03.2009, 12:27 +0300 schrieb Artem Ananiev:
>> Roman Kennke wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>>>>>>>>>>> BTW, simply sending this over the EQ is no solution either, because
>>>>>>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>>>>>>> later it will fail to invokeAndWait(). I will think a little more
>>>>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>>>>> this, or maybe anybody has a quick idea?
>>>>>>>>>>> Just an idea (have not evaluated it carefully):
>>>>>>>>>>> perhaps we should set keepBlockingEDT to false not in
>>>>>>>>>>> hideAndDisposeHandler(),
>>>>>>>>>>> but in WakingRunnable.run() instead.
>>>>>>>>>> I'm looking at this problem at the moment. The problem is the instance
>>>>>>>>>> of WakingRunnable is not run on EDT at all - I don't know why.
>>>>>>>>> I know why. It is because the DisposeAction is run _immediately_, before
>>>>>>>>> the WakingRunnable had a chance. This DisposeAction calls removeNotify(),
>>>>>>>>> which leads to all events on the EQ that are related to the Dialog beeing
>>>>>>>>> discarded.
>>>>>>>> Could you, please, point to the place where all the events are discarded?
>>>>>>>> I don't see any.
>>>>>>> In Component.removeNotify(), we call this:
>>>>>>> Toolkit.getEventQueue().removeSourceEvents(this, false);
>>>>>> OK, I see. What a wonderful code...
>>>>>>> which removes all events related to the component. removeNotify() is
>>>>>>> called from inside the DisposeAction.
>>>>>> For this particular case it's enough to add some additional check to
>>>>>> hideAndDisposeHandler:
>>>>>>         if (showAppContext != curAppContext) {
>>>>>>             // Wake up event dispatch thread on which the dialog was
>>>>>>             // initially shown
>>>>>>             SunToolkit.postEvent(showAppContext, wakingEvent);
>>>>>>             showAppContext = null;
>>>>>> +        } else if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
>>>>>> +            waking.run();
>>>>>>         } else {
>>>>>>             Toolkit.getEventQueue().postEvent(wakingEvent);
>>>>>>         }
>>>>> this change will fix this particular test, but the same problem may
>>>>> exists even when
>>>>> we call hide() not on EDT, it is just a little bit harder to write
>>>>> test for this ;)
>>>>> What about moving resetting keepBlockingEDT to WakingEvent.run(), or,
>>>>> perhaps, we can simply change
>>>>> target of WakingEvent from a dialog to toolkit.
>>>>> What do you think?
>>>> Setting the target of the WakingEvent to the toolkit sounds like an 
>>>> elegant and efficient solution to me. Simply executing the event 
>>>> directly when on the EDT (as Artem proposed) sounds like crying for more 
>>>> side-effects.
>>> So what should we do about it?
>> I'm fine with changing event's target to Toolkit. Could you send a patch 
>> for review then?
>> Thanks,
>> Artem
>>> /Roman

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