<AWT Dev> [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Review Request for 6879044

Andrei V. Dmitriev Andrei.Dmitriev at Sun.COM
Tue Sep 22 13:22:04 PDT 2009

Igor Nekrestyanov wrote:
> Let me clarify this as it is does not directly translate into 3x 
> footprint.
> But savings are not just "size of classes to be loaded".
>  Common "core" classes are also included into shared archive 
> (classes.jsa) and removing logging classes
> from the "core" will reduce size of classes.jsa (which is mmap-ed to 
> the memory on Windows).
> Note that we may read same class from rt.jar too if it happens to be 
> in the same block as other class we need.
Oh, I got it. In other words you are trying not to cache Loggers in 
classes.jsa and nothing else classes.jsa will be mmap-ed to the memory? 
That sounds promising.

> It will also reduce java quickstarter "read set" and this will make 
> jqs more user friendly (less load on the system,
> smaller portion of disk cache taken for java stuff).
> None of these changes is "stunning" per se. But they sum up.
> (This does not mean that Mandy's approach is the only way to go, if 
> someone can suggest how to improve logging package to
> get same savings and preserve backward compatibility - this will be 
> even better.)
We could make local to AWT changes with respect to loggers as described 
in 7).

> -igor
> On 9/22/09 11:00 AM, Igor Nekrestyanov wrote:
>> BTW, note that reducing set of required core classes will save 3x of 
>> memory at least (think of jqs and classes.jsa in addition to rt.jar 
>> (on windows)).
>> -igor
>> On 9/22/09 10:19 AM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>>> (I took the core-libs-dev off as this is about awt/2d/swing 
>>> discussion).
>>> The main question is whether the client stack wants to require the 
>>> dependency on logging when the JDK is broken down into fine-grained 
>>> module.   It is fine to wait until the jigsaw module system is ready 
>>> to provide the performance numbers for you to evaluate.
>>> Some clarification inlined below.
>>> Andrei Dmitriev wrote:
>>>> Hi Mandy, Oleg,
>>>> I'm going to summarize pros and cons of this change just to make 
>>>> judge (basically for myself).
>>>> 1) we can't expect a significant memory gain (the numbers are 
>>>> ~90Kb). That's a minus.
>>> I would not say it's a minus as it doesn't have negative impact.
>>>> 2) we decouple awt/swing/2d with logging package which is a Plus in 
>>>> a view of jigsaw. See 6) for more.
>>>> 3) we don't have time measures for this change. That's a minus.
>>> This statement isn't true.  This should be "no significant perf 
>>> improvement" for this fix and the perf improvment is not the goal 
>>> for this fix.
>>> I did run the refworkload startup benchmark.  But the numbers 
>>> confirm that there is no significant improvement as expected.
>>> ============================================================================== 
>>> mchung.baseline.b70:
>>>   Benchmark           Samples        Mean     Stdev             
>>> Geomean Weight
>>>   startup3                 30        2.33      0.05
>>>     Framer                 30        0.30      0.01             0.03
>>>     JEdit                  30        1.71      0.11             0.30
>>>     LimeWire               30        2.21      0.06             0.30
>>>     NetBeans               30        7.38      0.14             0.30
>>>     Noop                   30        0.11      0.00             0.03
>>>     XFramer                30        0.30      0.00             0.04
>>> ============================================================================== 
>>> mchung.platform.logging:
>>>   Benchmark           Samples        Mean     Stdev   %Diff     P 
>>> Significant
>>>   startup3                 30        2.34      0.05   -0.22 
>>> 0.684       *
>>>     Framer                 30        0.30      0.00    0.33 
>>> 0.326       *
>>>     JEdit                  30        1.70      0.09    0.99 
>>> 0.522       *
>>>     LimeWire               30        2.24      0.05   -1.56 
>>> 0.025       *
>>>     NetBeans               30        7.37      0.06    0.08 
>>> 0.833       *
>>>     Noop                   30        0.11      0.02   -3.94 
>>> 0.326       *
>>>     XFramer                30        0.30      0.00    0.22 
>>> 0.310       *
>>> ============================================================================== 
>>>   * - Not Significant: A non-zero %Diff for the mean could be noise. 
>>> If the
>>>       %Diff is 0, an actual difference may still exist. In either 
>>> case, more
>>>       samples would be needed to detect an actual difference in 
>>> sample means.
>>>> 4) nobody measured anything else than Framer and SwingSet. That's a 
>>>> minus.
>>> As I said, the fix is to eliminate the dependency on logging.  I'm 
>>> not sure what measurement you want to do.
>>>> 5) we lose flexibility on debugging. That's a minus.
>>> This statement isn't true.  AWT debugging ability is unchanged.
>>> Mandy
>>>> 6) this fix don't decouple anything else awt/swing/2d.
>>>> I made a grep on "Logger.getLogger" and there are entries from xml, 
>>>> jmx, etc. That means we have to deal with them as well too (as it 
>>>> causes the class to be loaded anyway), if we aware of jigsaw.
>>>> 7) In most cases AWT initiates classes statically but basically may 
>>>> want to do that lazily. That's minus. I'd consider initialization 
>>>> in CTOR at first and see the impact. Believe SwingSet would show 
>>>> enough here. If not, that's the reason to go further to... well to 
>>>> check if the Java property set.
>>>> Now, I don't see the evaluation is completed to make the decision. 
>>>> And if we could modify client code in the way that Framer will 
>>>> never initialize or/and load Logger (et al) classes so we achieved 
>>>> the goal.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>>  Andrei
>>>> Oleg Sukhodolsky wrote:
>>>>> HI Mandy,
>>>>> On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 12:19 AM, Mandy Chung 
>>>>> <Mandy.Chung at sun.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Oleg,
>>>>>> A better question to ask is who and how the logging information 
>>>>>> AWT is used
>>>>>> for.   The AWT team confirms that the AWT loggers are for 
>>>>>> debugging purpose
>>>>>> used by the awt developers.  As specified in the Requirements 
>>>>>> chapter for
>>>>>> the Java Logging Spec (JSR-47) [1], the central goal of the 
>>>>>> logging API is
>>>>>> to support maintaining and servicing software at customer 
>>>>>> sites.   Adding
>>>>>> debugging code in the awt implementation using logging API is 
>>>>>> reasonable but
>>>>>> it's not the requirement for the logging API.  If there were a 
>>>>>> better option
>>>>>> to add debugging code, I believe you have no problem changing the 
>>>>>> awt
>>>>>> debugging code not to use the logging API.
>>>>>> Server-type applications are typical use cases that logging 
>>>>>> information is
>>>>>> very important and useful for diagnosis in the field - long 
>>>>>> running apps,
>>>>>> hard to reproduce problems until running for many days/months.  
>>>>>> It is hard
>>>>>> to imagine how the logging information is important in client 
>>>>>> applications.
>>>>> as ex-AWT developer I can confirm that there were number of cases 
>>>>> when
>>>>> logging had helped us to diagnose problem on client's site.  Even
>>>>> though you usually
>>>>> do not need to run an application for a long time to reproduce a 
>>>>> problem
>>>>> it can be very hard to reproduce it because the problem depends on
>>>>> window manager
>>>>> and other environment which is hard to re-create.
>>>>>>   But you seem to know many client applications use the logging 
>>>>>> API that I
>>>>>> would also be interested to follow up with their requirements.
>>>>> I do not know many client applications which uses logging API 
>>>>> (because I have
>>>>> never write real client application) and it is hard to say if it uses
>>>>> logging or not.
>>>>> I hoped that you who saying that suggested changes will help to 
>>>>> client
>>>>> application
>>>>> has some statistic to confirm your expectation
>>>>>>> Ok, so this fix is only about modules.  But why AWT should not 
>>>>>>> depend
>>>>>>> on logging module?
>>>>>>> The qiestion is: how many application we want to run doesn't use
>>>>>>> logging& Because if an application
>>>>>>> uses logging there is no reasons for AWT to not use it.  Please 
>>>>>>> note
>>>>>>> that even if logging is turned
>>>>>>> off, the application still needs logging package/module.  So, 
>>>>>>> though
>>>>>>> end-user doesn't need logging output
>>>>>>> she may need logging module to run the application.
>>>>>> This is exactly why we want to decouple the dependency on 
>>>>>> logging.  When an
>>>>>> application uses logging, the application knows clearly what 
>>>>>> module they
>>>>>> require and that's fine.  When an application doesn't logging, if 
>>>>>> the awt
>>>>>> component requires logging for debugging purpose only, it 
>>>>>> increases the
>>>>>> download size, footprint and startup performance (class lookup time,
>>>>>> loading, init, etc) - please see my performance analysis report; 
>>>>>> otherwise,
>>>>>> it's not fruitful to discuss the details in this thread without the
>>>>>> background info.  Just to mention it what we care about.
>>>>> I have found only two links to some performance analysis:
>>>>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jigsaw-dev/2009-July/000181.html 
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mchung/startup_measurement/perfdata.summary.b64 
>>>>> but they say about -Xverify and -Xshare and do not understand how 
>>>>> they
>>>>> can be related
>>>>> to our topic :(  If they do, please explain (I have never been an
>>>>> expert in this area :(
>>>>> Or, if I missed something could you please point me what I have 
>>>>> missed.
>>>>>>> So, it is really
>>>>>>> important to understand
>>>>>>> what number of application will get advantage of suggested changes.
>>>>>> You are suggesting the client applications always have a 
>>>>>> dependency on
>>>>>> logging.   Many client team engineers are happy to see the 
>>>>>> dependency on
>>>>>> logging being eliminated from the client stack requirement and 
>>>>>> approve this
>>>>>> fix :)
>>>>> I do not see how this can be considered as prove that the changes 
>>>>> will
>>>>> help client applications.
>>>>> Unless we have some statistic it is all just our guess (which, as we
>>>>> know, usually wrong ;)
>>>>>>> Second question is: how big logging module is going to be? How 
>>>>>>> big the
>>>>>>> benefit for end-user will be?
>>>>>> The size of the logging API is not big (~90K) but the size is not 
>>>>>> the only
>>>>>> one factor determining what benefit the end-user will have.
>>>>> what other factors do you know?
>>>>>>  It's not
>>>>>> necessary to logging API as one single module and details are to 
>>>>>> be worked
>>>>>> out.   Subscribe to the jigsaw project to follow the discussion 
>>>>>> and progress
>>>>>> there.   Serviceability includes other API as well.  If awt 
>>>>>> started using
>>>>>> other serviceability API (java.lang.management, 
>>>>>> java.lang.instrument) for
>>>>>> whatever reason, your argument would apply there as well.  I 
>>>>>> don't think you
>>>>>> wanted the awt module depends on all the serviceability APIs.
>>>>> I agree that usage of any API should be done after careful 
>>>>> consideration.
>>>>> Logging API provides us exactly what we need (ability to create 
>>>>> log of
>>>>> an application
>>>>> executed on client)  this is why we started to use it.
>>>>>>> I'm asking so many question mainly because the changes you 
>>>>>>> suggested
>>>>>>> create rather unnatural code (we can not
>>>>>>> use standard logging machinery any more), so such changes should be
>>>>>>> well-justified.
>>>>>> That's what we pay for to modularize the JDK after many years of JDK
>>>>>> development without module support in the platform.  Otherwise, 
>>>>>> if there
>>>>>> were module support in the platform, you would consider very 
>>>>>> carefully when
>>>>>> adding a dependency on another module.
>>>>> perhaps you are right, but in case of logging I would expect that 
>>>>> we'd use it
>>>>> anyway.
>>>>> Oleg.
>>>>>> If you have further issue, I suggest to start a different thread 
>>>>>> on the
>>>>>> awt-dev alias.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Mandy
>>>>>> [1] 
>>>>>> http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/first/jsr047/index.html

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