<AWT Dev> Endless loop in EventDispatchThread - proposed solution

Clemens Eisserer linuxhippy at gmail.com
Wed Aug 24 08:33:58 PDT 2011

Hi Artem,

Thanks for taking a look.

The full patch also looks OK. Yesterday I thought in exactly the same
> direction and here is my observation. EDT.pumpEventsForFilters(id) can
> return the "false" value only if the thread is interrupted or stopped
> (ThreadDeath is caught). Therefore when the pumpEvents() call in EDT.run()
> exits, "shutdown" is always true. That's why I wrote about detaching the
> event dispatch thread unconditionally in my previous email.

There is also the doDispatch variable set in stopDispatching(), in this case
the "old" code did dispatch the events left in the queue. Therefor the
additional "shutdown" variable.

Setting shutdown = true when catching an InterruptedException is probably a
bit redundant, because as far as I know for an InterruptedException to be
thrown, interrup() has to be called - which sets shutdown = true before
interrupting the thread anyway. I thought I better set it, as doesn't hurt

Thanks, Clemens
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