<AWT Dev> [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Fwd: openjdk7 - use installed png and jpeg libraries

Dmitry Samersoff dmitry.samersoff at oracle.com
Mon Dec 24 10:45:39 PST 2012


Thank you for the explanation.

My main concern is a mismatch between jpeg library and header.

i.e. if we use bundled libjpeg could we use bundled header as well.


On 2012-12-24 22:42, Phil Race wrote:
> libpng and giflib are used solely by splashscreen so I don't think that
> matters so much.
> Distro builds can do this fairly safely since they link against a known
> quantity.
> Perhaps not so much the Oracle JDK which builds on one distro but is run
> on many ..
> But jpeg might matter.
> Oracle JDK does not/cannot use the system libjpeg for all purposes
> because of some necessary proprietary code in the version used by ImageIO.
> So a change would have to be confined to the OpenJDK and even if done
> solely for splashscreen in Oracle JDK would mean two libjpegs being
> loaded ..
> BTW I responded on the thread you cite and mentioned this
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/2d-dev/2012-May/002509.html
> I do not believe that switching alone would fix anything here.
> I'd prefer at this point to defer such a change for jpeg to early in JDK 9.
> -phil.
> On 12/24/2012 2:10 AM, Damon Hart-Davis wrote:
>> If done right then this might help deal with the worrying
>> incompatibility I noted before between the colour space values/range
>> between OpenJDK and Oracle JDK:
>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/2d-dev/2012-May/002496.html
>> Rgds
>> Damon
>> On 24 Dec 2012, at 09:52, Anthony Petrov wrote:
>>> (CC'ing awt-dev@ and 2d-dev@)
>>> There's an RFE:
>>> 6565114: Allow using system copies of libjpeg, libpng and giflib for
>>> splashscreen
>>> http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6565114
>>> I think that the scope of this RFE might be extended to support using
>>> system copies of the libraries for the core JDK as well, not only for
>>> the splashscreen.
>>> However, the RFE is currently closed as a "Future Project" because
>>> the contributed patch contains some issues and the contributor was
>>> not available for a while. See the review thread for details (a link
>>> is in the Description of the bug).
>>> In any case, if you plan to integrate such a change to OpenJDK 8, it
>>> should be reviewed here on the awt-dev@ and 2d-dev@ mailing lists.
>>> -- 
>>> best regards,
>>> Anthony
>>> On 12/22/2012 11:15, Dmitry Samersoff wrote:
>>>> Anthony,
>>>> Should we do it for all system or at least,
>>>> use bundled header for bundled library?
>>>> -Dmitry
>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>> Subject: openjdk7 - use installed png and jpeg libraries
>>>> Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 22:24:02 -0500
>>>> From: Mikhail T.<mi+thun at aldan.algebra.com>
>>>> To: glewis at FreeBSD.org
>>>> CC: java at FreeBSD.org
>>>> Hello!
>>>> The attached diff teaches java/openjdk7 to rely on the
>>>> graphics/{png,jpeg} ports instead of compiling libpng and libjpeg from
>>>> sources bundled by Oracle.
>>>> This is especially important for jpeg, because currently build uses the
>>>> already installed headers while compiling the bundled sources -- in
>>>> case
>>>> of any discrepancies there may be nasty problems.
>>>> It is also just cleaner and affords the use of better optimized image
>>>> libraries (such as assembly-optimized png and jpeg-turbo).
>>>> Unfortunately, the port currently does not include
>>>> check/regression-test
>>>> target, so I my limited testing consisted of simply restarting vuze --
>>>> this worked, but I am not certain, it exercises the modified code.
>>>> Please, take a look. Thank you! Yours,
>>>>     -mi

Dmitry Samersoff
Oracle Java development team, Saint Petersburg, Russia
* Give Rabbit time, and he'll always get the answer

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