<AWT Dev> [8] Review request for 7150345 [macosx] Can't type into applets - approved

Anton V. Tarasov anton.tarasov at oracle.com
Wed Mar 21 03:23:52 PDT 2012

Hi Dmitry,

I approve the fix. Though, as we discussed, please investigate later the following code:

+    /*
+     * May change appearance of contents of window, and generate a
+     * WINDOW_ACTIVATED event.
+     */
+    private void updateOverlayWindowActiveState() {
+        final boolean showAsFocused = parentWindowActive&&  focused;
+        dispatchEvent(
+            new FocusEvent(this, showAsFocused ?
+                                 FocusEvent.FOCUS_GAINED :
+                                 FocusEvent.FOCUS_LOST));
+     }

For me, it should follow the way an embedded frame is activated on other platforms where the 
toplevel activation method is called instead of directly posting focus events.
I suspect it may break most-recent-focus-owner restore mechanism in applet when switching by alt+tab 
for instance.


On 21.03.2012 14:12, Dmitry Cherepanov wrote:
> Hello,
> Please review a fix for 7150345 ([macosx] Can't type into applets):
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcherepanov/7150345/8/webrev.0/
> The patch is a direct forward-port of a fix from jdk7u-dev [1].
> Thanks,
> Dmitry
> [1] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk/rev/e7d5379c96c6

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