<AWT Dev> Request for review: 7027045

Artem Ananiev artem.ananiev at oracle.com
Thu Aug 8 05:33:47 PDT 2013

Hi, Konstantin,

I looked through the changes, which mostly replacements <code></code> 
with {@code}. This part of the fix looks fine.

Changing /* to /** for the "isInShow" field doesn't make sense, as this 
field is transient and is not serialized anyway. However, it doesn't 
hurt as well.

Please, keep comment about synchronization for the "type" field. It's a 
hint for developers, that this field should only be accessed or modified 
under the object lock. I agree, JavaDoc is not the best place for such 
hints, but I don't see any better solutions.

Non-technical comments:

1. Please, provide a direct link to webrev, so people can click and see 
the changes. Downloading archives is not as convenient (and in this 
particular case just impossible, as Yandex.Disk is in Russian, people 
just won't be able to read the "Download" button).

2. Please, wait for at least one more person to have reviewed this fix.



On 8/8/2013 2:20 PM, Konstantin Perikov wrote:
> Hi, AWT team,
> Could you please review the fix for the following bug:
> *7027045:  : (doc) java/awt/Window.java has several typos in javadoc*
> Fix for version OpenJDK8. Also, I fix some <code></code> stuff and change it for {@code }
> The webrev is available here:
> http://yadi.sk/d/KHB0hBlA7gkke
> P.S. Since, I'm newcomer, I don't have rights to push, so I need a sponsor. Who could help me?
> Thanks,
> Konstantin

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