<AWT Dev> Request for review: 7027045
Konstantin Perikov
konstantin.perikov at gmail.com
Mon Aug 12 10:13:26 PDT 2013
Yes, sure you can use my current gmail
2013/8/12 Artem Ananiev <artem.ananiev at oracle.com>
> Hi, Konstantin,
> the new version looks fine.
> As Sergey wrote in another email, he will help you with pushing this fix
> to the workspace. No further actions are required from your side. Thank you
> for help in making Java better :)
> We usually specify contributor's email in the "Contributed-by" field in
> mercurial comments. Can we use your current @gmail.com address?
> Thanks,
> Artem
> On 8/12/2013 2:52 PM, Konstantin Perikov wrote:
>> Hi, AWT team.
>> Any updates on review of my fix?
>> Konstantin.
>> 2013/8/9 Konstantin Perikov <konstantin.perikov at gmail.com
>> <mailto:konstantin.perikov@**gmail.com <konstantin.perikov at gmail.com>>>
>> Hi, AWT team
>> I update fix. Short summary:
>> * Javadoc fixed from /* to /** for two serializable fields
>> * Hint about synchronization still exists
>> * Also, I change <code></code> to {@code}, but left some of them,
>> where <em></em> is using inside <code> tags
>> * Remove "and and" at line 2887
>> Now webrev placed in Dropbox here-
>> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/**fz7qws34btuvq8f/KvIB0ZdL79<https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fz7qws34btuvq8f/KvIB0ZdL79>
>> You could donwload webrev in one click or open jdk.patch and looks
>> inside, using your favourite browser.
>> Please review it.
>> Thanks,
>> Konstantin.
>> 2013/8/8 Konstantin Perikov <konstantin.perikov at gmail.com
>> <mailto:konstantin.perikov@**gmail.com <konstantin.perikov at gmail.com>
>> >>
>> So, what is the best place for webrev, if I don't have access to
>> ftp server?
>> I don't have possibility to set up Apache server for that.
>> Also, maybe I'm wrong, but to view index.html on ftp, you need
>> to download it as well.
>> Okay, I will remove "and and" at line 2887.
>> About <em> tag, let me look at Javadoc documentation, I have no
>> idea, how it will behave in {@code} tag
>> Konstantin.
>> 2013/8/8 Sergey Bylokhov <Sergey.Bylokhov at oracle.com
>> <mailto:Sergey.Bylokhov@**oracle.com <Sergey.Bylokhov at oracle.com>
>> >>
>> Hi, Konstantin.
>> A few comments about the fix.
>> <code><em>Foo</em>Listener</**code> in a few places was
>> changed to the {@code <em>Foo</em>Listener} but it is not
>> equivalent.
>> Also I suggest to remove one of "and" from the "and and" in
>> the line 2887, because you change this line anyway.
>> On 08.08.2013 16:54, Konstantin Perikov wrote:
>>> Okay. I keep comment about synchronization for the "type"
>>> field and return comment style for transient field.
>>> Is Google Drive better place for it? (that's why I ask
>>> yesterday about "good" place for webrev)
>>> https://drive.google.com/**folderview?id=**
>>> 0B4QwwAaNe6wZUWJvTE9HRG40dnM&**usp=sharing<https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B4QwwAaNe6wZUWJvTE9HRG40dnM&usp=sharing>
>> No, it is not better, atleast i don't understand how to view
>> index.html in this case or download all files at once.
>>> 2013/8/8 Artem Ananiev <artem.ananiev at oracle.com
>>> <mailto:artem.ananiev at oracle.**com<artem.ananiev at oracle.com>
>>> >>
>>> Hi, Konstantin,
>>> I looked through the changes, which mostly
>>> replacements <code></code> with {@code}. This part of
>>> the fix looks fine.
>>> Changing /* to /** for the "isInShow" field doesn't
>>> make sense, as this field is transient and is not
>>> serialized anyway. However, it doesn't hurt as well.
>>> Please, keep comment about synchronization for the
>>> "type" field. It's a hint for developers, that this
>>> field should only be accessed or modified under the
>>> object lock. I agree, JavaDoc is not the best place
>>> for such hints, but I don't see any better solutions.
>>> Non-technical comments:
>>> 1. Please, provide a direct link to webrev, so people
>>> can click and see the changes. Downloading archives is
>>> not as convenient (and in this particular case just
>>> impossible, as Yandex.Disk is in Russian, people just
>>> won't be able to read the "Download" button).
>>> 2. Please, wait for at least one more person to have
>>> reviewed this fix.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Artem
>>> On 8/8/2013 2:20 PM, Konstantin Perikov wrote:
>>> Hi, AWT team,
>>> Could you please review the fix for the following
>>> bug:
>>> *7027045: : (doc) java/awt/Window.java has
>>> several typos in javadoc*
>>> Fix for version OpenJDK8. Also, I fix some
>>> <code></code> stuff and change it for {@code }
>>> The webrev is available here:
>>> http://yadi.sk/d/KHB0hBlA7gkke
>>> P.S. Since, I'm newcomer, I don't have rights to
>>> push, so I need a sponsor. Who could help me?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Konstantin
>> --
>> Best regards, Sergey.
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