<AWT Dev> NSOpenGLLayer animation issue under VNC

Alexander Scherbatiy alexandr.scherbatiy at oracle.com
Thu Feb 7 05:49:33 PST 2013

   Hello Mike,

   I have created the issue on http://bugreporter.apple.com with the bug 
ID 13170906 .


On 2/6/2013 9:29 PM, Mike Swingler wrote:
> On Feb 1, 2013, at 7:37 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy<alexandr.scherbatiy at oracle.com>  wrote:
>>   Hello Mike,
>>   There is the issue 8005668 security control panel got greyed out when access Mac machine remotely using VNC
>>      http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=8005668
>>   After a little investigation we have found that an animation does not work for the NSOpenGLLayer if a user uses VNC connection
>>   and the MAC OS X does not have connected monitors.
>>     Here are steps to reproduce which use only Cocoa application:
>>   - Connect to an Mac OS X with VNC
>>   - Detach all monitors from the Mac OS X (I used a Mac mini)
>>   - Run the code below
>>    The animation does not work
>>   The output shows that the drawInCGLContext method has been invoked only once or twice:
>>   ------------------------------------------------------------------
>> 2013-02-01 19:21:27.488 OpenGLLayerSample[1731:707] invalid drawable
>> 2013-02-01 19:21:27.489 OpenGLLayerSample[1731:707] drawInCGLContext
>> 2013-02-01 19:21:27.513 OpenGLLayerSample[1731:707] drawInCGLContext
>>   ------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Connection a monitor to the Mac OS X makes the animation work.
>> It seems that it can have a relation to the issue 8005668 so the first time there is nothing to draw and next time nothing is drawn on a Java app.
>> Is it a known issue and could it have a workaround?
> This does appear to be a bug in the OS - you should see some an animation when you are screen-shared into the machine. Please file a bug at<http://bugreporter.apple.com>, and let me know what the bug ID is so I can ensure that it gets to the correct team.
> Thanks,
> Mike Swingler
> Apple Inc.

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