<AWT Dev> [8] Request for review: java/awt/Focus/TypeAhead/TestFocusFreeze.java hangs with jdk8 since b56
Anthony Petrov
anthony.petrov at oracle.com
Tue Jun 11 07:59:09 PDT 2013
On 06/11/2013 06:55 PM, Anton V. Tarasov wrote:
>> On a side note (and I'm not suggesting to rewrite the machinery,
>> really, I'm just curious), wouldn't it be simpler to maintain separate
>> key-event queues per window, and then per component, rather than have
>> two global enqueuedKeyEvents and typeAheadMarkers queues in the KFM?
>> Why would we want to have key events belonging to different top-level
>> windows in a single queue? What are the benefits of this architecture?
> When focus is requested to a component a marker for that component is
> set. However, the request may fail asynchronously (by a number of
> reasons), and in that case the marker will be deleted. Currently,
> deletion of the marker doesn't affect the type-ahead queue, but with the
> approach you're asking about, the key events previously targeted to the
> component and residing in a separate component-tight queue should be
> moved either out of the queue (and be then dispatched) or to the queue
> tight to the next marker/component (there may be multiple markers
> installed).
> So, all key events are simply kept in a single queue because their
> targets are not actually constants and may vary.
Oh, I see. It makes sense. Thanks for clarifying that.
best regards,
> Thanks,
> Anton.
>> --
>> best regards,
>> Anthony
>> On 06/05/2013 03:42 PM, Anton V. Tarasov wrote:
>>> Hi Anthony,
>>> Thank you for the question. (Sorry for the delay, my laptop has broken).
>>> At least, I've found my fix incorrect. Namely, I was wrong in the
>>> following statement: "originally it wasn't assumed that key events are
>>> left in the queue more than a single repost cycle." It happens. When a
>>> series of TAB keys are pressed each of the key events initiates focus
>>> transfer. Each focus transfer (request) initiates type-ahead marker
>>> installation (a marker consists of the time and the component requesting
>>> focus). All TAB events with greater origin time are put into the
>>> type-ahead queue (separate from the event queue). When a component gains
>>> focus, pending key events are pulled from the type-ahead queue and are
>>> dispatched in order. The appropriate marker gets removed. The difficulty
>>> with a TAB event is that on its dispatching a focus transfer is
>>> immediately initiated which causes another marker installation which
>>> causes all the subsequent TAB events be put back to the type-ahead queue
>>> until the focus request is satisfied (asynchronously). There's also some
>>> special stamping of focus requests and markers, so that key events are
>>> dispatched to right components. In case with TABs, there should
>>> eventually be correct number of focus transfers matching the number of
>>> key presses. That was a tough scenario...
>>> So, a toplevel focus switch should be delayed (from DKFM high level
>>> perspective) until all those key events are dispatched to their targets.
>>> Taking into account an synchronous focus delivery (which every TAB
>>> initiates) this may take a number of cycles of reposting. As to your
>>> question, placing a WINDOW_LOST_FOCUS/WINDOW_GAINED_FOCUS event in the
>>> event queue according to its time stamp won't help. Because its place is
>>> just at the end of the queue (after all the FOCUS_LOST/FOCUS_GAINED
>>> events initiated by the TABs dispatching). Theoretically, we could
>>> consider placing FOCUS_LOST/FOCUS_GAINED events in the queue so that
>>> they appear before any possible timed window focus events which came
>>> later. However, this approach seems to me no less risky than the
>>> original. I can't see benefits worth switching to it, as principally
>>> that would do the same disposition of focus events.
>>> Let me suggest the following:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ant/JDK-8015454/webrev.1
>>> The idea is to add a condition that the key events pending dispatching
>>> are targeted to a component which belongs to the current focused window.
>>> In that case, delaying focus window switch won't prevent from focusing
>>> the target component and dispatching the key events.
>>> Also, I've slightly refactored the code. There's no need to walk through
>>> the whole type-ahead queue, it's enough to check the time of the first
>>> key event only (if any).
>>> Thanks,
>>> Anton.
>>> On 31.05.2013 17:41, Anthony Petrov wrote:
>>>> Hi Anton,
>>>> My knowledge of the focus machinery is limited, but according to your
>>>> description of the problem, the main issue here is that we re-post
>>>> window events to the end of the queue as opposed to re-posting them to
>>>> a specific position in the queue.
>>>> In other words my question is: can we move the timed window events to
>>>> a specific position in the event queue according to their timestamp,
>>>> so that both the key and window events get processed in the same order
>>>> as they have actually been generated by the native system?
>>>> --
>>>> best regards,
>>>> Anthony
>>>> On 05/30/2013 05:48 PM, Anton V. Tarasov wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> Please, review the fix:
>>>>> jira: https://jbs.oracle.com/bugs/browse/JDK-8015454
>>>>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ant/JDK-8015454/webrev.0
>>>>> It's a regression of 6981400 "Tabbing between textfield do not work
>>>>> properly when ALT+TAB".
>>>>> That fix resolved the following case: in a frame with several
>>>>> components, one pressed TAB multiple times.
>>>>> This should have transferred focus to the N'th component. But, to make
>>>>> things complicated, one switched
>>>>> back and forth active windows with ALT-TAB in the middle. Namely, when
>>>>> the first TAB gets dispatched
>>>>> (this is possible when if the app performs lengthy tasks on EDT). As a
>>>>> result, the appropriate focus window
>>>>> events were dispatched before the key events and the key events were
>>>>> dispatched improperly.
>>>>> In order to solve it, there were created a timed window event. When a
>>>>> timed focus window event is dispatched
>>>>> by DKFM, it inspects the type-ahead queue and if it contains a key
>>>>> event
>>>>> with a time stamp less than the window
>>>>> event's time, the window event gets reposted to the end of the queue.
>>>>> For more details, please refer to the CR.
>>>>> One aspect wasn't taken into account. A key event, waiting in the
>>>>> type-ahead queue, may depend on the
>>>>> delivery of the focus window event which gets reposted. So, quite the
>>>>> contrary, it should be dispatched after
>>>>> the focus window event is delivered to its target. This may happen
>>>>> when
>>>>> a key event is generated after a type-ahead
>>>>> marker is added (as a result of, say, a window switch), but before the
>>>>> targeted component (which may reside in another
>>>>> window) gets focused. In such situation, the window focus events
>>>>> may get
>>>>> reposted infinitely waiting for the key
>>>>> events, because the latter will wait for the delivery of the focus
>>>>> window event. So, a kind of a deadlock...
>>>>> How to solve it? Somehow we could analyze that the waiting key events
>>>>> depend on the delivery of the focus
>>>>> window event. However, originally it wasn't assumed that key events
>>>>> are
>>>>> left in the queue more than a single repost
>>>>> cycle. If they do, it just means the dependency. So, I suggest simply
>>>>> bound the number of reposts by one.
>>>>> Additionally, I've fixed the test. The key event time stamp should not
>>>>> be equal to the type-ahead marker time stamp.
>>>>> Sometimes they appear to match on Windows. I've put a 1ms delay.
>>>>> The fix also fixes the following CRs: JDK-8015584
>>>>> <https://jbs.oracle.com/bugs/browse/JDK-8015584>, JDK-8015450
>>>>> <https://jbs.oracle.com/bugs/browse/JDK-8015450>, JDK-8015446
>>>>> <https://jbs.oracle.com/bugs/browse/JDK-8015446>.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Anton.
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