<AWT Dev> [8] Review request for 7117595: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Win32GraphicsEnvironment if display is removed

Sergey Bylokhov Sergey.Bylokhov at oracle.com
Wed Sep 25 04:01:41 PDT 2013

We use this method in jdk ~40 times and there are no null checks. I am 
still don't understand why NPE in Rapaintmanager fo ex is a good idea?

On 25.09.2013 13:53, sergey malenkov wrote:
> In the following version of the fix I just return null:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~malenkov/7117595.8.2/ 
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Emalenkov/7117595.8.2/>
> Thanks,
> On 24.09.2013 11:58, Anthony Petrov wrote:
>> Hi Sergey,
>> I think that throwing an AWTError is too risky for JDK 8. We might 
>> want to implement this early in JDK 9 though.
>> For now, I think returning null is OK. E.g., see 
>> CGraphicsEnvironment.getDefaultScreenDevice(). It simply returns null 
>> if there's no screen devices found after a second re-initialization 
>> attempt. The rest of code (user apps and tests) seem to be happy with 
>> this implementation.
>> -- 
>> best regards,
>> Anthony
>> On 09/23/2013 09:59 PM, sergey malenkov wrote:
>>> Could you please review the second version of the fix:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~malenkov/7117595.8.1/
>>> I throw AWTError if there are no more screen devices.
>>> On 23.09.2013 16:47, sergey malenkov wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Could you please review the following fix:
>>>> fix:http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~malenkov/7117595.8.0/
>>>> bug:https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-7117595
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> SAM

Best regards, Sergey.

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