<AWT Dev> Fix for AWT on arbitrary non-reparenting window managers

Chauncey Goss chauncey.goss at outlook.com
Tue Sep 9 17:02:55 UTC 2014

AWT currently includes a (very incomplete) hard-coded list ofnon-reparenting window managers. To work around this, many distributionspatch openjdk to add support for this to be controlled by an environmentvariable (_JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING), see for instance (https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=508650 or https://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/plain/trunk/openjdk7_nonreparenting-wm.diff?h=packages/java7-openjdk)
A more minimal implementation than the above is to add an extra clause to  isNonReparentingWM in XWM.java something along the lines of(XWM.getWMID() == XWM.OTHER_WM &&XToolkit.getEnv("_JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING") != null)which avoids the need to define a new WM.
This change seems like it would have minimal side effects but greatlyimprove usability (a quick google search for java tiling window managerreveals a lot of pain surrounding this issue).
Does this seem reasonable? Sorry if I'm breaking any protocols or am missing prior discussions, this is my first time looking at the OpenJDK source.

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