<AWT Dev> FW: FW: Fix for AWT on arbitrary non-reparenting window managers

Chauncey Goss chauncey.goss at outlook.com
Wed Sep 10 18:26:01 UTC 2014

Hi Anthony,

I submitted a bug report on bugs.java.com which is undergoing review. I was hoping that
since the change is so minimal (literally less than one line) that we could avoid formally
submitting a patch with the OCA signed, etc. (part of the problem being that this isn't my
real name/email). Is it possible for you to independently submit a similar patch?

Thanks very much!

> Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 15:44:37 +0400
> From: anthony.petrov at oracle.com
> To: chauncey.goss at outlook.com; awt-dev at openjdk.java.net
> Subject: Re:  FW: FW: Fix for AWT on arbitrary non-reparenting window managers
> Hi Chauncey,
> Yes, generally this looks like a good solution. And a search on the 
> Internet suggests that the _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING variable is 
> pretty much a standard now. We'll still need to undergo an internal API 
> approval process (CCC) to adopt this new variable name, but I don't 
> expect any obstacles there.
> Would you like to contribute a patch for this issue? You will need to 
> file a new bug at http://bugs.java.com/ , prepare a patch, test it, and 
> then send it to this mailing list for a review.
> However, before we can accept fixes from you, you will need to have an 
> OCA signed. Please find more details here:
> http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/community/oca-486395.html
> --
> best regards,
> Anthony
> On 9/9/2014 9:18 PM, Chauncey Goss wrote:
>> Wow, outlook decided to try to send this as HTML rather than plain text
>> and in the process screwed up the entire text. Apologies again for the triple post,
>> I promise I'll never do this again.
>> AWT currently includes a (very incomplete) hard-coded list of
>> non-reparenting window managers. To work around this, many distributions
>> patch openjdk to add support for this to be controlled by an environment
>> variable (_JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING), see for instance
>> (https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=508650 or
>> https://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/plain/trunk/openjdk7_nonreparenting-wm.diff?h=packages/java7-openjdk)
>> A more minimal implementation than the above is to add an extra clause
>> to isNonReparentingWM in XWM.java something along the lines of
>> (XWM.getWMID() == XWM.OTHER_WM &&
>> XToolkit.getEnv("_JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING") != null) which avoids the
>> need to define a new WM.
>> This change seems like it would have minimal side effects but greatly
>> improve usability (a quick google search for java tiling window manager
>> reveals a lot of pain surrounding this issue).
>> Does this seem reasonable? Sorry if I'm breaking any protocols or am
>> missing prior discussions, this is my first time looking at the OpenJDK
>> source.
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