<AWT Dev> [9] Review request : 8038919, Requesting focus to a modeless dialog doesn't work on Safari

mikhail cherkasov mikhail.cherkasov at oracle.com
Tue Sep 16 11:39:29 UTC 2014

Hello all,

please review the fix

bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8038919

The problem appears if we trying to call toFront when embedded window is 
active in browser, this
call is ignored, because for macosx the browser process is active and it 
  [nsWindow orderFront:nsWindow] call to java process windows.
To fix this issue I use  [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES]; before  
[nsWindow orderFront:nsWindow]
if an embedded frame is active window.


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