<AWT Dev> [9] Review Request: 8071306 GUI perfomance are very slow compared java 1.6.0_45

Sergey Bylokhov Sergey.Bylokhov at oracle.com
Thu May 14 22:57:42 UTC 2015

Hi, Anton.
> +     * Determines the bounds of a visible part of the component relative to its
> +     * parents.
> Did you mean "to its parent"?
Yep, new version:
>>> 2.
>>>  100      * The components in this container.
>>>  101      * @see #add
>>>  102      * @see #getComponents
>>>  103      */
>>>  104     private java.util.List<Component> component = new 
>>> ArrayList<>();
>>> May be it's worth to rename the field? The "component" name is odd...
>> I suppose it wasn't changed, because this name is used in the 
>> serialization for a long time. Plus there are a bunch of the similar 
>> vars like: tmpComponent etc. I can do it later for jdk9 only. 
> Ok, thanks. It's up to you.
> Regards,
> Anton.
>>> Regards,
>>> Anton.
>>> On 07.05.2015 3:39, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
>>>> Hello.
>>>> Please review the fix for a jdk9. I plan to backport it to jdk8u60.
>>>> Description.
>>>> An UIworks really slowly, when an application has a lot of 
>>>> components in one container, and these components should be 
>>>> disabled one by one.
>>>> The reason is the next sequence of methods calls:
>>>> Component.setEnabled->updateCursorImmediately()-> some cursor 
>>>> related 
>>>> staff->GlobalCursorManager._updateCursor->Container.findComponentAt()-iteration 
>>>> over all components in the container.....-> twice....
>>>> You can imagine how it works in case of 10000 components in the 
>>>> container.
>>>> Note that in the bug report described difference jdk6 vs jdk8 -> 
>>>> 1sec vs 6 sec. This was caused by the two fixes, one of which adds 
>>>> checkTreeLock() and in another one a simple array of components was 
>>>> replaced by the ArrayList. Since code was added to the really hot 
>>>> method we got so big slowdown.
>>>> To fix the problem I suggest two different approaches:
>>>>  - Container.java: Fix a general case, by eliminating a second 
>>>> iteration in the hot loop.
>>>>  - Component.java: Totally eliminates cursor machinery, if 
>>>> component cannot affect current cursor.
>>>> Some speedup measurements on my local system:
>>>>  - Simple removing of checkTreeLock() will partly solve a 
>>>> regression reported by the user(12 sec -> 5 sec).
>>>>  - Changes in the loop will speedup the code in the worse case(5->2 
>>>> sec)
>>>>  - The changes in the Component.java will change the performance 
>>>> from 2 sec to 100< ms
>>>> Test case which was added was improved from 10 seconds to 80 ms.
>>>> JMH test: 
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~serb/8071306/SetEnabledPerformanceTest.java
>>>> Fixedversion:
>>>> Benchmark                                       Mode Cnt       
>>>> Score       Error   Units
>>>> SetEnabledPerformanceTest.testContains         thrpt 5  301300,813 
>>>> ± 17338,045  ops/ms
>>>> SetEnabledPerformanceTest.testFindComponentAt  thrpt 5      20,521 
>>>> ±     0,269  ops/ms
>>>> SetEnabledPerformanceTest.testGetComponentAt   thrpt 5      22,297 
>>>> ±     1,264  ops/ms
>>>> SetEnabledPerformanceTest.testSetEnabled       thrpt 5     711,120 
>>>> ±    19,837  ops/ms
>>>> Base version:
>>>> Benchmark                                       Mode Cnt       
>>>> Score      Error   Units
>>>> SetEnabledPerformanceTest.testContains         thrpt 5  299145,642 
>>>> ± 2120,183  ops/ms
>>>> SetEnabledPerformanceTest.testFindComponentAt  thrpt 5       1,101 
>>>> ±    0,012  ops/ms
>>>> SetEnabledPerformanceTest.testGetComponentAt   thrpt 5       6,792 
>>>> ±    0,097  ops/ms
>>>> SetEnabledPerformanceTest.testSetEnabled       thrpt 5       0,464 
>>>> ±    0,020  ops/ms
>>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8071306
>>>> Webrev can be found at: 
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~serb/8071306/webrev.03
>>>> --
>>>> Best regards, Sergey. 
>> -- 
>> Best regards, Sergey.

Best regards, Sergey.

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