<AWT Dev> Fix for JDK-8074829 : Resolve disabled warnings for libawt_headless

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Wed Apr 20 20:19:20 UTC 2016

On 04/20/2016 12:27 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
> 2d-dev added.

In fact all these are 2D. No AWT warnings here.

> I am not sure but why "declaration in the code" is a bad thing and we 
> should fix it?
> I cannot find the documentation in solaris studio for this warning.

I don't mind fixing it if it is still an issue but does the current 
compiler actually complain about it ?
The SS11 -> SS12 upgrade might have got a more modern C compiler ..
> On 20.04.16 11:57, Ajit Ghaisas wrote:
>> Hi,
>>      Bug : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8074829
>>      This bug is to remove warning suppressions from makefile and fix 
>> the warnings for libawt_headless library.
>>      I have removed following warning suppressions & fixed the 
>> warnings for libawt_headless library.
>>      DISABLED_WARNINGS_gcc := maybe-uninitialized int-to-pointer-cast

What made that one go away ??

>>      Warning suppression that cannot be removed :
>>      This is due to the fact that - 
>> jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/common/java2d/opengl/OGLBlitLoops.c 
>> file becomes empty file in case of HEADLESS mode compilation.

Sigh .. there ought to be "informational" warnings as well as "risky 
practice" warnings and
this should be in the former category.
You could move something like the jni.h and jlong.h imports outside to 
see if that shuts it up.
Not saying that is what we want to do but it would be interesting to check.

>>      Request you to review following webrev :
>>      http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aghaisas/8074829/webrev.00/
>> Regards,
>> Ajit

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