<AWT Dev> <AWT dev>[9] Review request for 8154434: Open the request focus methods of the java.awt.Component which accept FocusEvent.Cause

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Mon Apr 25 19:33:49 UTC 2016

You will need to convince me of the appropriateness of opening these 
It seems to me that are for the focus system, not for applications.

Why should an application be allowed to say "I would like component X" to
receive focus and tell it the reason is a mouse event" when in fact it 
is nothing of the kind.

I would like to hear from others if they see a valid use case and that 
there are no
down-sides to mis-use.


On 04/19/2016 02:30 AM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
> Hello,
> Please review fix for JDK9:
> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8154434
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ssadetsky/8154434/webrev.00/
> To support the new FocusEvent cause concept introduced by JDK-8080395 
> the next package-private methods of the java.awt.Component class are 
> opened in the fix:
> boolean requestFocus(FocusEvent.Cause cause)  -> public void 
> requestFocus(FocusEvent.Cause cause)
> boolean requestFocus(boolean temporary, FocusEvent.Cause cause) -> 
> protected boolean requestFocus(boolean temporary, FocusEvent.Cause cause)
> boolean requestFocusInWindow(FocusEvent.Cause cause) -> public boolean 
> requestFocusInWindow(FocusEvent.Cause cause)
> The methods are changed to be symmetric with the focus request methods 
> of the same class which do not accept the cause parameter.
> The method requestFocus(FocusEvent.Cause cause) was changed to return 
> no value similarly to the requestFocus() because the returning boolean 
> true cannot guarantee the focus gain.
> --Semyon

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