<AWT Dev> Review-request for 8143227: Platform-Specific Desktop Features

Alexander Zvegintsev alexander.zvegintsev at oracle.com
Fri Jan 22 07:16:37 UTC 2016

Hi Semyon,

I am not sure about flexibility, but providing additional info for a 
user session change  could be useful

(changed awt_Toolkit.cpp,  AppEvent.java, UserSessionListener.java, 


On 01/19/2016 11:52 AM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
> Hi Alexander,
> What do you think about accompanying the application events with a 
> flag containing the extended information that may be provided by 
> various native platforms? For example, the session events may provide 
> a reason on the Windows platform.
> Also this may add flexibility that allows to support new features in 
> the future.
> --Semyon
> On 1/17/2016 11:55 PM, Alexander Zvegintsev wrote:
>> Hi Semyon,
>>> Is it possible to use WM_QUERYENDSESSION for 
>> Sure, so please see updated webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~azvegint/jdk/9/8143227/04/
>> awt_Toolkit.cpp:
>> extended list of supported messages for user session listener.
>> awt_Desktop.cpp, awt_Toolkit.cpp, WDesktopPeer.java:
>> added SuddenTerminaton support for Windows
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Alexander.
>> On 01/15/2016 04:14 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On 1/15/2016 12:39 PM, Alexander Zvegintsev wrote:
>>>> Hi Semyon,
>>>> Yes, it is just LOCK/UNLOCK for now,  because it is the most common 
>>>> scenario of desktop usage.
>>>> Do you mean that we should consider remote desktop logins too? 
>>>> Something like:
>>>>          if (wParam == WTS_CONSOLE_CONNECT
>>>>                   || wParam == WTS_CONSOLE_DISCONNECT
>>>>                   || wParam == WTS_REMOTE_CONNECT
>>>>                   || wParam == WTS_REMOTE_DISCONNECT
>>>>                   || wParam == WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK
>>>>                   || wParam == WTS_SESSION_LOCK) {
>>>>               BOOL activate = wParam == WTS_CONSOLE_CONNECT
>>>>                                 || wParam == WTS_REMOTE_CONNECT
>>>>                                 || wParam == WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK;
>>>>               env->CallStaticVoidMethod(clzz, 
>>>> AwtToolkit::userSessionMID,
>>>> activate
>>>>                                                 ? JNI_TRUE
>>>>                                                 : JNI_FALSE);
>>>>           }
>>> That's seems better to me.
>>>> Or if you refer to WTS_SESSION_LOGOFF, then it seems useless for us,
>>>> AFAIK only services will receive this notification, and anyway all 
>>>> apps the user was running are already killed by this time. 
>>> Is it possible to use WM_QUERYENDSESSION for 
>>> --Semyon
>>>> --
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Alexander.
>>>> On 12.01.2016 19:21, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>>> Hi Alexander,
>>>>> awt_Toolkit.cpp:
>>>>>       case WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE: {
>>>>>           jclass clzz = 
>>>>> env->FindClass("sun/awt/windows/WDesktopPeer");
>>>>>           DASSERT(clzz != NULL);
>>>>>           if (!clzz) throw std::bad_alloc();
>>>>>           if (wParam == WTS_SESSION_LOCK || wParam == 
>>>>>               env->CallStaticVoidMethod(clzz, 
>>>>> AwtToolkit::userSessionMID,
>>>>>                                             wParam == 
>>>>>                                                 ? JNI_TRUE
>>>>>                                                 : JNI_FALSE);
>>>>>           }
>>>>>           break;
>>>>>       }
>>>>> So only the WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK is propagated to java as a session 
>>>>> act/deact and other messages just ignored?
>>>>> Other messages:
>>>>> #define WTS_CONSOLE_CONNECT 0x1
>>>>> #define WTS_CONSOLE_DISCONNECT 0x2
>>>>> #define WTS_REMOTE_CONNECT 0x3
>>>>> #define WTS_REMOTE_DISCONNECT 0x4
>>>>> #define WTS_SESSION_LOGON 0x5
>>>>> #define WTS_SESSION_LOGOFF 0x6
>>>>> #define WTS_SESSION_LOCK 0x7
>>>>> some of them seems to me more suitable to be chosen as the session 
>>>>> act/deact event.  Could you comment that for me?
>>>>> --Semyon
>>>>> On 11/24/2015 6:02 PM, Alexander Zvegintsev wrote:
>>>>>> Please review the updated fix:
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~azvegint/jdk/9/8143227/03/
>>>>>> removed fullscreen related code (moved to JDK-8143914 [0])
>>>>>> fix serialization in AppEvent
>>>>>> [0] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8143914
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Alexander.
>>>>>> On 11/21/2015 03:33 AM, Alexander Zvegintsev wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Phil,
>>>>>>>> Can someone explain why this is needed given the existing 
>>>>>>>> support of
>>>>>>>> GraphicsDevice.setFullScreenWindow(Window) ? 
>>>>>>> GraphicsDevice.setFullScreenWindow is used for an exclusive full 
>>>>>>> screen mode.
>>>>>>> Mac OS has another option to create a virtual desktop with 
>>>>>>> provided window in it.
>>>>>>> You can switch between them by three-finger horizontal swipe.
>>>>>>>> Why does it have to be a RootPaneContainer ? Why is this tied 
>>>>>>>> to Swing ?
>>>>>>>> This appears to narrow it to JDialog and JWindow. 
>>>>>>> It reuses swing code to set native windows style bits.
>>>>>>> Please see updated webrev:
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~azvegint/jdk/9/8143227/02/
>>>>>>> updated permission
>>>>>>> added missing @throws @since and @implNote
>>>>>>> browseFileDirectory is now return void
>>>>>>> RootPaneContainer -> JDialog and JWindow
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Alexander.
>>>>>>> On 11/20/2015 09:03 PM, Phil Race wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 11/20/2015 09:12 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I am worried about setWindowCanFullScreen and 
>>>>>>>>> requestToggleFullScreen.
>>>>>>>>> On the latest osx this functionality was merged with maximize 
>>>>>>>>> button. So probably it will be better to change behavior of 
>>>>>>>>> window.setExtendedState() + MAXIMIZED_BOTH?
>>>>>>>> Can someone explain why this is needed given the existing 
>>>>>>>> support of
>>>>>>>> GraphicsDevice.setFullScreenWindow(Window) ?
>>>>>>>> And what happens if you use *both* ? They still need to play 
>>>>>>>> well together
>>>>>>>> if there is some reason the new one is needed.
>>>>>>>> Other comments :
>>>>>>>> >   * Note, Aqua Look and Feel should be active to support this 
>>>>>>>> on Mac OS.
>>>>>>>> Needs @implNote
>>>>>>>> There seems to be lots of missing SecurityException tags given 
>>>>>>>> all the checkAWTPermission() calls.
>>>>>>>> is checkAWTPermission() really the right call for all of these 
>>>>>>>> actions ?
>>>>>>>> Does it "cover" being able to delete files and quit the app ? I 
>>>>>>>> am not sure it is
>>>>>>>> correct in all cases.
>>>>>>>> And also there are missing @since tags.
>>>>>>>>  Opens a folder containing the {@code file} in a default system 
>>>>>>>> file manager.
>>>>>>>>  933      * @param file the file
>>>>>>>>  934      * @return returns true if successfully opened
>>>>>>>>  935      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code file} is 
>>>>>>>> {@code null}
>>>>>>>>  936      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified 
>>>>>>>> file doesn't
>>>>>>>>  937      * exist
>>>>>>>>  938      */
>>>>>>>>  939     public boolean browseFileDirectory(File file) {
>>>>>>>> So what happens if there is no "support" for this ? Exception 
>>>>>>>> or "false" ?
>>>>>>>> Are you comfortable that all these APIs that return "true" if 
>>>>>>>> successful are
>>>>>>>> implementable on all platforms. i.e I mean that does the 
>>>>>>>> platform return
>>>>>>>> a value you can pass on as success/failure.
>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>> 861      * Attaches a {@link FullScreenListener} to the 
>>>>>>>> specified top-level
>>>>>>>>  862      * {@link Window}.
>>>>>>>>  863      *
>>>>>>>>  864      * @param window to attach the {@link 
>>>>>>>> FullScreenListener} to
>>>>>>>>  865      * @param listener to be notified when a full screen 
>>>>>>>> event occurs
>>>>>>>>  866      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if window is not a
>>>>>>>>  867      * {@link javax.swing.RootPaneContainer}
>>>>>>>>  868      */
>>>>>>>>  869     public void addWindowFullScreenListener(final Window 
>>>>>>>> window,
>>>>>>>>  870 final FullScreenListener listener) {
>>>>>>>> -------
>>>>>>>> Why does it have to be a RootPaneContainer ? Why is this tied 
>>>>>>>> to Swing ?
>>>>>>>> This appears to narrow it to JDialog and JWindow.
>>>>>>>> -phil.

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