<AWT Dev> [9] Review-request for 6353518: Creation of a WritableRaster with a custom DataBuffer causes erroneous Exception

Ambarish Rapte ambarish.rapte at oracle.com
Tue Mar 8 10:53:41 UTC 2016

Hi Ajit,

                The current changes look fine, 

In addition please check, if similar change is required when SampleModel is MultiPixelPackedSampleModel  in the same  createWritableRaster() method.





From: Ajit Ghaisas 
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2016 1:51 PM
To: awt-dev at openjdk.java.net; Sergey Bylokhov; Semyon Sadetsky; Ambarish Rapte
Subject: [9] Review-request for 6353518: Creation of a WritableRaster with a custom DataBuffer causes erroneous Exception




Bug :   https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6353518



Issue : (Text from bug description)


An attempt to create a WritableRaster via Raster.createWritableRaster(SampleModel sm, DataBuffer db, Point location) using a custom DataBuffer causes an erroneous RasterFormatException.
Apparently the reason for this bug is that IntegerComponentRaster insists on being passed an instance of DataBufferInt rather than just a DataBuffer with a DataType of TYPE_INT.
This is quite annoying since DataBufferInt is declared final and thus cannot be extended.



Fix :


The last line of Raster.createWritableRaster() method already has a way to handle generic case if the input does not match any of the cases in switch statements in that method.

The fact that  " *InterleavedRaster() constructors throw exception if DataBuffer passed to them does not match the expected type" was ignored earlier. 


This fix adds a check of "DataBuffer type" before creating respective *InterleavedRaster() objects. 

It constructs the SunWritableRaster in case DataBuffer type does not match any data specific DataBuffer classes (DataBufferByte, DataBufferUShort, DataBufferInt)



Request to review webrev containing this fix : 





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