<AWT Dev> Review request for 6429675: getMaximumsize() size of the frame less than the minimumsize of Frame.

Alexandr Scherbatiy alexandr.scherbatiy at oracle.com
Fri May 6 19:48:00 UTC 2016

The fix looks good to me.



On 5/5/2016 1:55 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
> Looks fine.
> On 29.04.16 17:09, Ambarish Rapte wrote:
>> Hi,
>>                 Please review the fix for JDK 9,
>>                 Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6429675
>>                 Webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~arapte/6429675/webrev.00/
>> Issue:
>> 1.       setMaximumSize() can set maximum size of a Frame smaller than
>> minimumSize of frame.
>> 2.       setMinimumSize()  can set minimum size of a Frame greater than
>> maximumSize of frame.
>> Fix:
>>                 These are sizes are used for layout. In addition there
>> is third size named preferred size.
>>                 Preferred size is only suggestion & not mandatory size,
>> hence this change does not consider modifying preferred size.
>>                 Maximum size is neglected in layout logic.
>>                 Hence we decided that, minimum size should hold the
>> priority.
>>                 Current fix is: Always maintain maximum size greater or
>> equal to minimum size.
>>                 i.e.
>>                 1. If minimum size is set to a size greater than maximum
>> size,  then update the maximum size to same as new minimum size.
>>                 2. If maximum size is set to a size smaller than minimum
>> size,  then update the maximum size to same as current minimum size.
>>                 There is also API doc change, as per the new behavior.
>> Verification:
>>                 Verified regression and JCK tests of Frame & Layout.
>>                 No failures due to this fix.
>> Regards,
>> Ambarish

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