<AWT Dev> [9] Review Request JDK-8149371 multi-res. image: -Dsun.java2d.uiScale does not work for Window icons (some ambiguity for Window.setIconImages

Rajeev Chamyal rajeev.chamyal at oracle.com
Tue Sep 6 10:30:09 UTC 2016

Hello Alexander,


Thanks for the review.I have updated webrev as per review comments.




Rajeev Chamyal


From: Alexandr Scherbatiy 
Sent: 05 September 2016 16:04
To: Rajeev Chamyal; Sergey Bylokhov; awt-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: <AWT Dev>[9] Review Request JDK-8149371 multi-res. image: -Dsun.java2d.uiScale does not work for Window icons (some ambiguity for Window.setIconImages


On 9/2/2016 2:37 PM, Rajeev Chamyal wrote:

Hello All,


Please review the following webrev.


Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8149371 

Webrev: HYPERLINK "http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Erchamyal/8149371/webrev.00/"http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rchamyal/8149371/webrev.00/ 


Issue: Multiresolution icons are not working with -Dsun.java2d.uiScale.

Fix: Updated the implementation of SunToolkit:getScaledIconImage  to extract appropriate Multiresolution image and consider it in the existing algorithm for finding best image.

Java doc for Window:setIconImages is also updated.

  - It is possible to use only one ArrayList which initial size is number of images in the image list. Iterating over image list we can add to the array list an initial image if it is not instance of MultiResolutionImage or a resolution variant.
  - Is it required that images in the imageList are sorted?
  - It is better to reuse the dpi values in the awt_Window.cpp file (see fix for issue JDK-8158411)




Rajeev Chamyal


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