<AWT Dev> [9] Review request for 8176528: Progress state for window is not displayed in taskbar

Alexander Zvegintsev alexander.zvegintsev at oracle.com
Tue Mar 14 13:09:48 UTC 2017

It is fine too, because Dialog has no representation in the taskbar too.


On 14.03.2017 15:56, Philip Race wrote:
> Hi,
> I realise I need to clarify one thing that may be important.
> Previously with Window this could apply to a Dialog.
> Now it cannot. Are we disabling an important case with this change ?
> -phil
> On 3/14/17, 5:54 AM, Alexander Zvegintsev wrote:
>> There is no precedents here:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~azvegint/jdk/9/8176528/02/
>> Thanks,
>> Alexander.
>> On 14/03/2017 15:40, Philip Race wrote:
>>> with this change maybe we should be renaming the parameters and 
>>> update the doc
>>> ie
>>> 279      * @param w window
>>> could be
>>>  @param f frame
>>> ?
>>> Or is there precedent for what you have right now ?
>>> -phil.
>>> On 3/14/17, 5:33 AM, Alexander Zvegintsev wrote:
>>>>> So they already know the window isn't visible and are asking for 
>>>>> an explanation
>>>>> of the circumstances for this so I don't think this update will 
>>>>> satisfy them without
>>>>> more explanation.
>>>>> At the very least we need to add that
>>>>> "Some {@code Window}s are not visible in the task bar.
>>>>> For example undecorated Windows may not be visible". 
>>>> Actually java.awt.Window is not visible in taskbar because of its 
>>>> window style flags(WS_EX_NOACTIVATE, WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW), it has 
>>>> nothing to do with decorations.
>>>> I've replaced parameter type with Frame instead if Window to avoid 
>>>> such misunderstanding. Frame still can be removed from taskbar by 
>>>> f.setType(Window.Type.UTILITY) call.
>>>>> I do not know if we can say something stronger than that ?
>>>>> Is this the case on all platforms ? 
>>>> This part of API is supported for Windows only.
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~azvegint/jdk/9/8176528/01/
>>>> -- 
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Alexander.
>>>> On 14.03.2017 0:52, Phil Race wrote:
>>>>> The JCK comments in the bug are :
>>>>> >This may be a specification issue.
>>>>> >Window progress is not displayed in taskbar as specified.
>>>>> >The spec states that progress is displayed in a 
>>>>> platform-dependent way.
>>>>> I>f progress is not in fact displayed under some circumstances, 
>>>>> that should be specified.
>>>>> So they already know the window isn't visible and are asking for 
>>>>> an explanation
>>>>> of the circumstances for this so I don't think this update will 
>>>>> satisfy them without
>>>>> more explanation.
>>>>> At the very least we need to add that
>>>>> "Some {@code Window}s are not visible in the task bar.
>>>>> For example undecorated Windows may not be visible".
>>>>> I do not know if we can say something stronger than that ?
>>>>> Is this the case on all platforms ?
>>>>> -phil.
>>>>> On 3/13/2017 2:04 PM, Alexander Zvegintsev wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> please review the fix
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~azvegint/jdk/9/8176528/00/
>>>>>> for the issue
>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8176528
>>>>>> The test uses java.awt.Window which doesn't have button for its 
>>>>>> window in the taskbar, thus we can't show progress for this 
>>>>>> window there.

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