<AWT Dev> [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Request for re-reviewl: Backport of JDK-8150954: Taking screenshots on x11 composite desktop produce wrong result

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Wed Jul 18 21:28:53 UTC 2018

The review for the original fix was actually on awt-dev which probably 
was correct
and so this should be there too.
I hadn't seen the thread so had to go read it .. but it was so long ago I'd
probably have had to re-read it anyway. But it was not so easy to find
since it did not have the bug ID in the subject !

Since it is changed, yes, being able to point to this review thread is 
something the 8u-dev maintainers would ask you for.

It looks OK to me although I don't grok why the order here in 8u

302 if (isXCompositeDisplay(awt_display, adata->awt_visInfo.screen) &&
303 hasXCompositeOverlayExtension(awt_display))

is reversed from what you had in 9 : 309 if 
(hasXCompositeOverlayExtension(awt_display) &&
310 isXCompositeDisplay(awt_display, adata->awt_visInfo.screen)) which 
looks more logical to me.


On 07/18/2018 04:06 AM, Mario Torre wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to backport the fix for:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8150954
> To OpenJDK8 updates dev:
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8u/jdk8u-dev
> The fix is mostly the same as the version that was committed in 9,
> with the exception of the GTK path which is not available in 8.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~neugens/8150954/webrev-jdk8u.00/
> I'm not sure if this change needs a re-review from the 2d team, as I
> think is trivial, but I would like some feedback nonetheless before
> proposing to the updates mailing list, especially in regards to
> testing the patch on some OS variant without the necessary libraries.
> Cheers,
> Mario

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